Letters from All Over Tarnation

Just Breaking: The president has now nominated Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Feel free to use the comments here to comment on that. Open thread. But don’t forget the other issues . . . Continued Revoice Troubles: There was no link for the “rent an evangelical” reference at the end. I see this is …

A Primer on the Fourth of July

What is celebrated on the Fourth of July? Two things. The formal reason for our celebration is the establishment of our nation in the Declaration of Independence, coupled with the successful completion of the war, coupled in turn with the adoption of our Constitution, which secured that independence. The second reason has to do with …

The UnRoeveling of America

Introduction: The American Civil War was actually a war between distinct regions. It was a clash of cultures, a war between the several states. There were certain regions—the border states like Maryland—where the populations within the same territory were truly divided, and where it was not uncommon for one brother to fight for one side …