Down a Grassy Esplanade

And Feelings began to teach the multitudes, and the people followed them gladly, for they taught with authority, and not as the Facts (Gospel of Thomas, Menopausal Skateboarder’s Study Edition). The feelings that will really get you somewhere these days, at least at places like the University of Missouri and the rest of America, are …

Defending the Trannykid

In addressing the topic of child sexual abuse, we must begin by distinguishing between abusers who represent the system and abusers who work free lance. The free lance abusers are usually despised by all, but the despisers frequently support outlandish systemic abuse themselves, and to such an extent that if anyone objects to the abuse, …

Reviewing the Film Game Film

Let me say at the outset that we are small players, and that we know it. Nothing said here changes our awareness of who David is and who Goliath is. That said, here are some (industry standard) numbers for opening night: The Free Speech Apocalypse was #33 overall in the country. There were hundreds of …

Opening Night

So I don’t need to put up another graphic of that scary looking dude with the progressive chain saw, right? You all got the picture, right? Is the message getting through? That liberals hate liberalism? So then, if you are within shouting distance of one of the select theaters around the country showing it, I …

Principalities, Powers, and Pecksniffs

I have recently been listening through a collection of essays by C.S. Lewis, and have been having a wonderful time. I don’t have a long commute, three or four minutes is more like it, but it is amazing how much steak you can eat when you cut it up like that. I just recently finished …