To the entire Logos Online community, greetings. To Larry Stephenson, thank you for the kind invitation to address you. And to all of you graduates, congratulations. In The Horse and His Boy, ...
Is the Constitution as Dead as that Parrot?
A Freebie Book Teaser—: —because you are no doubt looking for a summer read that somehow fits in with how crazy and festive and ominous and convoluted everything has gotten, particularly in June, ...
Book of the Month/June 2024
If I hadn’t already read it, I would want somebody to give me this book for my birthday, which is coming up. If you are a normie conservative Christian, scratching your head over what is happening to the country you grew up in, this is a book with enormous explanatory power. For those believers who …
So It All Works Out
“Signs signify. Seals do more than that. When we say that baptism is a sign and seal of the covenant, we are saying more than that baptist is a ‘sign and another kind of sign’ . . . The grace signified (sign) by their baptism is really exhibited and conferred (sealed) at God’s appointed time, in the power of the Spirit. This is not a place where I have to take an exception to Westminster. I would be happy to do so and have taken an exception to the Westminster Confession at other places. But I don’t have to do so here. Their position is mine.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 755
Time to Discuss
Virgil Cain is the Name and I Drove on Ventura Highway
You are cordially invited to something. “What?” you may well ask. Tomorrow night, at 7 pm, at the NuArt Theater in Moscow, the notorious Dad’s Band is putting on their annual tribute to the quirky and the classic. There will be seventeen songs in all, ranging from Ventura Highway to Pick Up the Pieces, and …
Faith Grows Organically
“Granted that true faith is necessary, how does this faith arrive? If it is genuine faith, how does it get here? One view says that it is shipped, and it arrives in a box. You open the box, take the bubble wrap off, and hold it up so the elders can see if it is the same kind they got. The other view of faith is that it grows. Timothy had the same faith that his mother and grandmother had (2 Tim. 1:5). Now, if true faith can grow from a seed, those guarding the Table must know what it looks like at every point along the continuum—first the blade, then the ear, then the full head. My toddler grandchildren coming to the Table have true faith—but it is blade faith. We’re not anywhere near done”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 754.
Time Prices
In the past I have discussed the difference between absolute poverty and relative poverty. Absolute poverty is a matter of life and death, starvation or food, terminal sickness or medical care, ...
Thoroughly Gone Over
“I won’t go through the whole thing point by point because you don’t need to split the same cord of wood twice, and I have done this three or four times already. About all I have around here is kindling.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 751
Letters Edited in the UK. Let’s See If It Helps.
Letter to the Editor: I've seen Bitcoin mentioned in your blog every so often.You may already be aware of this, but thought I would share just in case:Many blessings, Dan ...