I read different books in different ways. There is the physical copy route, where I own an actual three-dimensional book, and attack it at various places with my blue highlighter. There is also the Kindle route, where somebody in a cloud somewhere saves all my magic highlights. And then there is the audio route, where …
Book of the Month/No Quarter November 2020
As we look back over the debris field of the year behind us, it is hard to believe what has transpired in just a handful of months. There we were last February, cruising at 30,000 feet, nibbling away at our little bag of pretzels, well adjusted to the cabin pressure, little realizing that our pilot …
Book of the Month/October 2020
When it came to the subject of trials and afflictions, the Puritans were men who held two things together that many modern pastors miss. They were both theologically sound and pastorally shrewd. From Jeremiah Burrough’s Rare Jewel to Thomas Watson’s The Art of Divine Contentment (and All Things for Good), they teach the average Christian—who, …
A Throat Punch of a Marketing Video
Book of the Month/May 2020
I was recently asked to provide a blurb for Anthony Esolen’s new book, Sex and the Unreal City. I read the manuscript enthusiastically, and sent in the blurb already, but this puts me in the unfortunate position of recommending a book to you that isn’t out yet. Soon. It will be out soon. I also …
The Actual Point
“The preacher’s purpose is directed first of all towards God. He preaches in order that God may be glorified. The very act of declaring the Gospel is a praising and exalting of God in his mighty acts.”
Parker, Calvin’s Preaching, p. 46
Grace Upon Grace
Nancy and I are currently living with my father, Jim Wilson, who is 92-years-old. After many years of fruitful ministry — teaching, writing, and evangelism — a number of years ago my father asked me what I thought he should do with the rest of his time. Without hesitating, I said, “Write your autobiography.” I …
The Silent Bells
Not to take anything away from the previous announcement of a new book, here is another one, uniquely delivered. If you follow this link, you will get more of the details, but all the salient facts are here. The Ashtown Burials were designed as a four-book series. But a series of unfortunate events, mostly having …
Announcing My New Commentary on Romans
Well, sort of a commentary. The subtitle for this book is descriptive enough: “Sermon Notes on the Book of Romans.” A few years ago, I preached a series of 65 sermons through this magisterial book, and some time after that I put them all together in a big file and went through it all with …
Book of the Month/April 2020
My book choice this month is a title with (I assume) limited interest. But since that limited interest group is made up of writers and would-be writers, and because everybody in that group is a sucker for books about books, and books about how to write them, I thought it would be worthwhile to tell …