Well, sort of a commentary. The subtitle for this book is descriptive enough: “Sermon Notes on the Book of Romans.” A few years ago, I preached a series of 65 sermons through this magisterial book, and some time after that I put them all together in a big file and went through it all with …
Book of the Month/April 2020
My book choice this month is a title with (I assume) limited interest. But since that limited interest group is made up of writers and would-be writers, and because everybody in that group is a sucker for books about books, and books about how to write them, I thought it would be worthwhile to tell …
Book of the Month/March 2020
First, apologies for the late book of the month announcement. Things have been hopping around here. This month, I have selected Age of Entitlement by Christopher Caldwell. The subtitle is America Since the Sixties, and if you are among those who have been wondering what on earth actually happened to us, this book will answer …
Book of the Month/January 2020
I just finished The Winter King by Christine Cohen, and really enjoyed it. I have selected it as my choice for book of the month in the hope that you will also (start and) finish it, and enjoy it as much as I did. The book is written for kids, and the challenging aspects of …
Book of the Month/December 2019
We live in demented times, and proofs of this assertion can be found by pointing in pretty much any and every direction. One of those proofs is the fact that I am able to select as my book of the month a book written by an open homosexual, and with the topic of the book …
On Making a Duck
This installment on chapter 5 of Beyond Authority and Submission will be quite brief. It should be sufficient to point out that not only is Rachel Miller not laying any groundwork that will help establish her thesis, but she has gone above and beyond the call of duty, and has been kind enough to blow …
Down Like a Stick
My installment on Rachel Miller’s next chapter will be brief. What I want to do is explain how the structure of her thesis is hopeless, and this should only take a few minutes. In the next chapter, ...
Artillery Sermon 2019
Introduction: First a word on the curious title for the sermon. In the American colonial era, ministers used to preach sermons to prepare congregants for their civic duties at election time, ...
Book of the Month/November 2019
This month my selection is a book that has been on my shelves for quite a while, but which I recently pulled down and read. Calvin’s Company of Pastors is a fascinating social history that records how Reformed pastoral ministry first took root in Geneva, and how it flourished there in the decades following. I …
Your Great Grandmother on Roller Blades
Introduction: I am afraid that the next chapter of Beyond Authority and Submission is bad enough to make your front teeth ache. It is something of a global embarrassment. It makes you want to ...