I recently caused a small stir on Facebook by saying this: “One of the greatest aesthetic and arististic gifts the world ever received was the casting down of images in the Protestant Reformation.” I thought it might be good for me to explain what was behind that comment, at least a little bit. Yesterday, our …
A Glimpse Into a Musical Event
Logos Benefit Concert | David Erb from Dane Wilson on Vimeo.
A Little Save the Date Reminder
And I Have Left Behind the Spoiler
For various reasons, this promises to be very interesting indeed. On March 27th, it will be in 550 theaters. Glenn Beck has the first five minutes posted here. In other (clearly related) news, the province of Alberta is interested in making it illegal for home schoolers to teach their kids, during the course of their …
Lewiston Church Plant
As some of you, a few weeks ago Christ Church began a church planting endeavor in Lewiston, Idaho. If you know of anybody in that area who needs a church home, please let them know. Joe Rosales is the pastor of All Souls Church there, and I wanted to let you know some of the …
Thanks From Minneapolis
For the last few days, Nancy and I have been at the Desiring God pastors’ conference in Minneapolis, and our time here has been wonderful. We have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the other speakers, and hearing them speak, and the hospitality of the saints here has been exceptional. Our particular thanks to John Piper, …
Newt Poster Winnah!
I am happy to announce the winner of the great Newt poster caption contest. But first the honorable mention . . . Alan, with “Newt — a passionate conservative.” The bronze was taken by Rich Hamlin — “Because it takes a lot of Big Ideas before you get the right one.” The silver goes to …
A Little Caption Contest
Okay, so here’s a caption contest. The winner will be chosen by our incorruptible judge/s, and will receive a poster size version of this graphic, with their winning caption emblazoned on it (where the current caption is). The deadline for entry is the day before the Florida primary (Jan. 30, 2012). So that you can …
A Week From Sunday
Invitation to Christ Church Twin Cities, January 29th, 2012 from Canon Wired on Vimeo.
10 Reasons Repeated
A guest appearance elsewhere . . .