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Apostate Book Cover Apostate
Kevin Swanson
Generations with Vision
May 1, 2013

"Whatever happened to Western civilization? Somehow, Christians have lost ground in every cultural area of leadership and influence in Europe and America since 1700. This is an indubitable fact. The remaining Christians search for an explanation. They want to know how it happened. This is the story of the decline and fall of Western civilization. It is the story of uncommonly powerful men, unfathomably evil men. . . apostates. Reader beware! This book faces head-on the spiritual forces that leveled a full-out attack on the Christian faith in the Western world. On the one hand, it is a story of demonic possession, insanity, suicide, mass-murder, adultery, homosexuality, cultural and social revolutions, and unbridled, maniacal apostasy. It is the story of apostasy on a massive scale. But it is also a story of hope and victory for the last men standing in the ashes of Western civilization. It will be a testimony to the inevitable triumph of Jesus Christ over the great men of renown who picked the wrong fight in the history of the West"--Book jacket.

This is a very fine book. In it, Kevin Swanson does something very similar to what Jones does in Degenerate Moderns, and Paul Johnson in Intellectuals. Swanson has a few weak chapters (Aquinas and Shakespeare, in my view), but where he has the background data at his fingertips, as he does for almost all the men in this book, his treatment is devastating. The subtitle is “The Men Who Destroyed the Christian West,” and when we take higher education into account, we could add “And the Christians Who Enabled Them.”

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