Review: Missionaries of Republicanism: A Religious History of the Mexican-American War

Missionaries of Republicanism: A Religious History of the Mexican-American War by John C. Pinheiro My rating: 4 of 5 stars A good read, and very informative. Pinheiro shows the important role that religion (Protestant/Catholic) played in the Mexican-American War. A lot of careful detail here recording how Americans of all political stripes thought religiously in …

Review: Christian Reconstruction: R. J. Rushdoony and American Religious Conservatism

Christian Reconstructionism

Christian Reconstruction: R. J. Rushdoony and American Religious Conservatism by Michael Joseph McVicar My rating: 4 of 5 stars A short review here will have to suffice. I read this book in order to submit an extended review of it to Books & Culture, which I will do shortly. The short review is that this book …