I bought this book, By the People, on the strength of the subtitle, which was “Rebuilding Liberty Without Permission.” Having read it, I want to tell you some of the wonderful things about it, and then talk about a face plant that Murray accomplishes in the last few pages. That face plant is a function …
Review: How Civilizations Die:
How Civilizations Die: by David Paul Goldman My rating: 4 of 5 stars This is a book with a lot of surprises, a lot of twists and turns. Goldman makes some questionable assertions here, but this was one of the most fruitful and thought-provoking books I have read in a long time. View all my …
Review: Death Comes to Pemberley
Death Comes to Pemberley by P.D. James My rating: 3 of 5 stars Enough fun to finish it, but definitely not Austen. At the same time, P.D. James was able to fill in the back story of this book in such a way as to provide some of her commentary on what was going on …
Review: Missionaries of Republicanism: A Religious History of the Mexican-American War
Missionaries of Republicanism: A Religious History of the Mexican-American War by John C. Pinheiro My rating: 4 of 5 stars A good read, and very informative. Pinheiro shows the important role that religion (Protestant/Catholic) played in the Mexican-American War. A lot of careful detail here recording how Americans of all political stripes thought religiously in …
Review: Descent Into Hell
Descent Into Hell by Charles Williams My rating: 4 of 5 stars I read this book once way back in the day, in my teens or twenties sometime. It was vivid, and I remembered details of the book, and other details from Williams’ other novel. That said, I thought that Williams was a gifted weirdo. …
Speaking of Hillary . . .
Book of the Month/May 2015
A Small Cup of Light: A Drink in the Desert by Ben Palpant My rating: 5 of 5 stars This is simply a superb book. It is beautifully written, theologically rigorous, elegantly typeset, and carefully designed. Every page was easy to look at and equally easy to turn. This is book for anyone dealing with …
Review: Christian Reconstruction: R. J. Rushdoony and American Religious Conservatism
Christian Reconstruction: R. J. Rushdoony and American Religious Conservatism by Michael Joseph McVicar My rating: 4 of 5 stars A short review here will have to suffice. I read this book in order to submit an extended review of it to Books & Culture, which I will do shortly. The short review is that this book …
Review: Democracy in America
Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville My rating: 5 of 5 stars Justly a classic. I learned a great deal, including about myself. View all my reviews
Who’s on First?
Title: Who's on First? Series: A Blackford Oakes Mystery Author: William F. Buckley, Jr. Genre: Spy thriller Publisher: Cumberland House Release Date: 1980 Format: Paperback Pages: 259 Good. Fun read. I read it first in 1982. Read it again in 2015, but I didn’t think I was reading it again. I had actually forgotten I …