Dear Gavin, Thanks very much for contacting me. I am glad that Dawson encouraged you to do that. Dawson is a great kid, the best of relatives. From what you wrote, and from what Dawson told ...
Well, Yes, There’s That
“They will perhaps add that this is why nobody wants to debate you. You keep getting off the point, which is that you are a heretic, and keep gravitating to extraneous material, like how the early Reformed fathers made almost all the same points you guys are making.”
Did My Part
“This salvation, a sheer gift of nothing but grace, bring with it forgiveness for my sins, everlasting righteousness, and salvation. This is all done through Christ’s work of obedience alone. In the work of salvation, Christ did His part and I did mine. He did the saving, and I got in the way.”
Epistolary Edification
Letter to the Editor: Isker, Dreher and Me: "Chesterton says somewhere that we must fight because we love what is behind us, and not just because we hate what is in front of us." Maybe ...
A Pointed Allegation
“It is alleged that we might know what the Heidelberg Catechism says, but we don’t really believe it, as opposed to those true souls elsewhere who believe it, but don’t know what it says.”
Isker, Dreher, and Me
Introduction: Here's the plan, guys. I am going to begin with a brief review of Andrew Isker's book, The Boniface Option . After that, I am going to interact a bit more with Rod Dreher's review ...
Inescapable Partaking
A common mistake with regard to the Lord’s Table is that of thinking that something is happening here that never happens anywhere else in the world. But it would be more accurate to say that the thing that distinguishes this Table is with whom it happens . . . not what happens. This is what …
Let God Be True
One of the things we must always remember to do is to distinguish what baptism means objectively—apart from any sincerity or insincerity on the part of those administering, receiving, or observing it. And what baptism means is union with Christ. Those who are baptized into Christ are baptized into His death (Rom. 6:3). If you …
Colonies of Heaven
Philippians (13): Sermon Video Introduction: After the Lord’s resurrection from the dead, He established to His disciples that He was in fact alive forever, and then He ascended into the ...
The Best Presbyterian Ever
“Presbyterians like to point out (and I actually agree with them on this, being a presbyterian), that the first century Jewish system of polity and governance was a representative and presbyterian one. That makes Jesus a presbyterian. But after the warm glow has worn off, we then realize that this means that the Lord was condemned by the General Assembly—moved, seconded, and spanged right into the minutes.”