Introduction: The world of Christian X was all in a doodah over something that Heidi Przybyla said last week. Now this was fully appropriate, but Christian worldview thinking demands that we ...
Praise That Plunges
Psalm 148: Sermon Video Introduction: This is a psalm of praise in action. It begins in the highest heaven, and descends to the deeps, and invites everyone and everything in between to join ...
Not Really the Same
“In the old days, defenders of the faith used proclamation, argumentation, and apologetics. These days, the defenders of the faith use all the bureaucratic levers they have hidden under the desk . . . In the old days, the prophets of God would thunder the word. These days, they resort to Machinations and Back Room Deals.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 529
Should Have Been Obvious
Truth Remains Unified
“The issue of emphasis is problematic when discussing issues like this. I believe all kinds of things that I emphasize in varying degrees. Why is that a problem? Belief is where you measure doctrinal orthodoxy. Legitimate differences in emphasis can be affected by numerous factors like the period of history you are in, the state of the church you are preaching to, the nature of your own personal gifts, and so on. If I am preaching at Thyatira, my emphasis is one thing; if at Ephesus, it is another. The truth remains unified.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 527
Content Cluster Muster [02-22-24]
A Reasonable Reaction, All Things Considered: Interesting Color Combination Open Road: A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: Bring the Party With You: HT: Samuel Cherubin: Matt Smith Meant to Do That: Featured Product: A Review of Rod Dreher’s Crunchy Cons:In Crunchy Cons, conservative author Rod Dreher has opened a conversation that is well …
Thank God
“I am going to heaven because of Jesus, and not because of my mastery of the dikai-word group.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 527
Isildur, the Ring, and the Glory of Limited Government
Introduction: So let us talk about revolutions, you and I. Historically speaking, the word can mean anything from a simple change in government, like a revolving door, or it can be a nightmarish spectacle that doesn’t ever want to quit. The word admits of quite a range of meanings. It can refer to something as …
Justice Not Found by Splitting the Difference
“It is not the voice of moderation to limit oneself to believe only ten percent of the false accusations. To hear 100 lies and limit oneself to entertaining only ten of them is not being judicious.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 523
Letters That Help to Soothe the Brain
Letter to the Editor: I was perusing my news feed this morning, and came across a buzz feed article about cult towns in the US. Third on the list was Moscow, Idaho, because of the church ...