In the book of Ecclesiastes, we are told that it is better to go to the house of mourning than to the house of feasting (Eccl. 7:2). And why? It is because that is the destination that every last one ...
Brace Yourself for Tuesday Letters
Letter to the Editor: There is a group claiming that Doug teaches that a minister/elder must be married. Can you clarify Doug's position on this? Thank you! Christopher ...
Gospel Ends Don’t Justify Carnal Means
“I wouldn’t do to John Robbins’s dog what some people are willing to do to advance the purity of the gospel.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 586
A Seven-fold Rejoinder to Jeremy Sexton
Introduction: In a recent edition of Themelios (48.3), my fellow CREC minister Jeremy Sexton offered his critique of postmillennialism. Now to be blunt . . . he did far more than offer a critique. ...
Songs of Triumph
Psalm 149: Sermon Video Introduction: In Scripture, praise and true authority always go hand in hand. This is because it is faith that overcomes the world (1 John 5:4), and praise always overflows ...
The St. Andrews Seven
Introduction: So this is a talk about the impact a small group of Scots had on the nation of India. This is, as I take it, a subset of a larger story. The Scots were, in effect, the last European ...
Ladling Contumely
“Any process that could conceivably result in Steve Wilkins being forced out of the PCA for ‘heterodox views,’ as this process certainly could, without Steve ever having a full, complete, open and honorable trial, with a presumption of innocence, is a process that deserves to have honest men everywhere ladle piping hot contumely over the top of its pointy little head. If this kind of vigorous response makes folks feel uncomfortable, then they should stop defending the indefensible. As one commenter on this blog put it, when sorting out a conflict among the kids, what do we think when one child says, ‘It all started when he hit me back’? Folks who want me to shut up about the PCA sure aren’t acting like they want me to shut up about the PCA” ().
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 580
You Might Get an Earful, in Fact
Okay, a Lot of Air Freshener Then
“Just as, in the South, you can say anything you want about anybody, just as long as you add the little exculpatory tag, ‘Bless his heart,’ (He’s a lying skunk, bless his heart), so in Christian circles, you can come sneeveling around with slanderous accusations circulated by anonymous and lying cowards, just as long as you say something suitably pious as an attachment to the slander. ‘I read on that Doug Wilson has coats made for his wife out of Dalmatian puppies, but we must always remember to pray for him even as we report this to the saints, with grief in our hearts, considering ourselves lest we also be tempted.’ A little like trying to fix the problem of the dead rat behind your fridge with a little air freshener.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 579
From Absolutely Nothing
Before the creative Word was spoken, no thing was. Before the void was filled, or even existed to be filled, there was God the Speaker, God the Spoken, and God the Interpreter, and they had not yet brought the heavens and earth into being. But when they did, the spheres and stars and waters and …