Introduction: American Christians will still go to great lengths to avoid naming the name of Christ outside their religion boxes, otherwise known as churches and sanctuaries. The gods of secularism ...
Crescendo and Conclusion
Psalm 150: Sermon Video Introduction: This is a short psalm, but it is densely packed with hallelujahs. There are twelve of them here, and one hallelu-el. Together they praise Jah, the covenant ...
Crimson Glory
The God of all glory is the God of triune glory, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, which is why the image and glory of God sing with our heads back in order to render reflected glory where it is due, and the result is a fusion of music and sacrifice. The Father is the Speaker …
Surprising, Not Surprising
“The thing that has astonished me in this controversy, again and again, is how the erstwhile defenders of the Westminster Standards can attack the teaching of those standards (and those who actually hold to them) in the name of defending the standards.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, pp. 604-605
Pretty Much Sums It Up
That’s How Much
“Having said all this, let me now affirm my commitment to the Reformed standards. I love them, teach in accordance with them, teach through the Westminster Confession every other year, thank God for them, and use torn pages from Finney’s systematic theology to light my cigars.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 603
Content Cluster Muster [03-14-24]
Hard to Do: A Pretty Green Open Road: More here . . . A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: A Good Time at The Blaze: Your Comparison Guide: HT: Samuel Cherubin: Joseph Zbukvic Featured Product: Proof as Moral Obligation:This book is dedicated to my son Nate, who was the first person I ever …
Real Reformations
“Real reformations burst wineskins, even the ones with the official Reformation® tags stitched onto them.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 595
Meme-NETTR Bête Noire, and the Far Superior NEOTR
Introduction: Starting a number of months ago, I started interacting with the idea that we should have "no enemies to the right" (NETTR). I did this in a few blog posts here and there, and I was responding ...
All Wolves, All the Time
“All polemics all the time would be a tiresome business, and not characteristic of a fruitful ministry, and not what Christ calls us to. As I have noted before, a shepherd who doesn’t know how to fight is a loveless shepherd. But a shepherd who does nothing but fight—all wolves, all the time—is probably making up wolves. And he is almost certainly not leading the flock to green pasture. So there is a time and a season for everything.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, pp. 591-592