Content Cluster Muster [03-07-24]

Latest NSA Promo: I Don’t Know . . . It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time: A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: My Favorite Slam to Date: A True Mystery: HT: Samuel Cherubin: Will St. John Featured Product: N.T. Wright Rides a Pale Horse:Over the years, N.T. Wright, a prolific Bible …

Grief and Grace

“The row at Antioch grieved the Spirit, and the hypocrisy of Peter and Barnabas grieved him as well. But the fact that Paul confronted the hypocrisy for what it was did not grieve the Spirit, even though it made Paul a participant in the disruption And someone like Paul could be grieved that it was necessary for him to do what he had to do, but not be at all grieved that he did it. It was a shame that it became necessary, but it was, at the end of the day, necessary.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 579

Enemies Within the Covenant

“Liberalism broadens the boundaries of the covenant in order to have a schmooze-fest. ‘We’re all saying the same thing, really!’ ‘We are all climbing the same mount by different paths.’ Conservatism narrows the boundaries of the covenant in order to stay faithful to Christ and the gospel, but they lose catholicity, which is an aspect of the gospel. FV is proposing another alternative. Elijah recognized Ahab as a fellow Jew, but that didn’t make them pals.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 567

A Kuyperian Imperative

Character Introduction: In a talk about Kuyperianism, I probably ought to begin with a brief biographical mention of Abraham Kuyper. Just as Calvin helped to nickname a theological position that existed long before he was born, so also Abraham Kuyper did the same. Calvin exalted the sovereignty of God in salvation in the same way …