Introduction: The great Thomas Sowell has written a slew of books, and I in turn have read a passel of them. Part of making America great again is bringing back words like slew and passel. At any rate, Thomas Sowell has written a pile of books, and I have read 11 of them. To be …
Out and In
“All the promises of the Old Testament have come to fruition in Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 1:20), and hence, all who are in Christ have been brought into the true Israel of God. Unbelieving Jews have been cut out of that true Israel, and believing Gentiles have been brought into it.”
American Milk and Honey, p. 119
Grace Upon Grace
“I pray You would use our ministry this morning
To hasten the conversion of all the Jews.
Just as their rejection of their own Messiah
Has been such a blessing for the Gentile world,
I pray You would conquer the Gentiles still further
With grace upon grace through Israel’s conversion.”
21 Prayers, p. 35
Letters to Improve the Lives of All of Us
Letter to the Editor: You missed one of the issues I have encountered with worldview thinking. It has to do with this paragraph from your post."And of course Scripture addresses everything ...
The Christian Bloom
“Christianity is not a faith that was developed from scratch. Christians have always rested their New Testament on the foundation of the Old Testament. This means that we have always considered ourselves to be in some sense the true heirs of the promises God made to His people.”
American Milk and Honey, p. 118
In Defense of Worldview Thinking
Introduction: In conservative Christian circles, worldview thinking was quite a hot item for a while. Most recently, I reckon it became “a thing” among us during the Francis Schaeffer times, and it then burgeoned into something of an industry. In North American circles, the kick-off was Schaeffer’s How Shall We Then Live?—the book and film …
From That Dark Cross
“There was only one sacrifice, not two, for us men
And for our salvation, but still we rejoice
That this one sacrifice was not just His death,
But also a lifetime of perfect obedience
That was offered to You from that dark, bloodied cross.”
21 Prayers, p. 32
Gentiles Grafted In
“This means that every Christian who partakes of the Lord’s Supper, regardless of how many Norwegians were unearthed by his AncestryDNA tests, is claiming to be part of the true Israel of God. The new covenant is with Israel and with Judah. Unless we Gentiles have been incorporated into that Israel, we have no part in it.”
American Milk and Honey, p. 115
Content Cluster Muster [02-06-25]
Check It Out at the Next Stop: Open Road, Sort Of: More here: A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: I’ve Seen This Movie Before: HT: Samuel Cherubin: And more here. And Another Podcast Also: Featured Product: Sounds FV:The Federal. Vision controversy was one that extended over quite a number of years, and during …
A Surrender Which Rose
“We give You our thanks for His active obedience,
Which rose to His passive surrender in dying,
In pure and unfeigned submission to you.”
21 Prayers, p. 32