Acts of the Apostles (20): Sermon Video Introduction: Remember that the Lord had said the gospel would progress from Jerusalem to Judaea, to Samaria, and then to the uttermost parts of the ...
Link and Chain
The father of one of the children being baptized here today was one of the first infants that I ever had the privilege of baptizing. The fact that he was my grandson was not doctrinally part of it, but it did put an exclamation point on the doctrine. This underscores one of the emphases that …
Block the Way in Grace
“Hold us, restrain us from our downward spiral.
Stop us from running headlong as we stagger.
In your great mercy, prevent us, please save us.
In your great mercy, please stand in our way.”
21 Prayers, p. 38
Sons of the Concubine
“Although the ethnic Jews are descended from Abraham physically, covenantally speaking, they are Ishmaelites. Summed up, they are in a covenant of bondage. However disciplined and hardworking they are, they do not know the taste of grace. They are driven, but not liberated. They are not children of the free woman, but rather through unbelief they have made themselves children of the slave concubine.”
American Milk and Honey, p. 122
Worth Another Couple of Tries Again
Dragnet Fishing
“Grant great revival in the churches, of course,
But for far more than this, I pray for the West.
May fresh living water from Ezekiel’s temple
Gather and grow and widen and deepen
To inundate nations and all of their peoples.
I pray that the fish would be abundant and plentiful
And that You would make us all fishers of men.”
21 Prayers, p. 37
God’s Plan for the Jews
“In contrast, the soft supersessionist agrees [with the hard supersessionist] that the church is Israel now, and that ethnic Israel is currently not a part of the true Israel. And when it comes to the salvation of individual Jews currently, we also agree that an unbelieving Jew is in the same position as an unbelieving Irishman, or Chinese, or Navajo. But the soft supersessionist holds that the Jews as a people are still part of God’s purpose and plan for the world. The gifts and calling of God are irrevocable. When the Jews are converted en masse, this will usher in the latter day glory, and the resurrection of the dead. In short, the status of the Jews with regard to faith and unbelief is relevant for the rest of the world.”
American Milk and Honey, pp. 120-121
Content Cluster Muster [02-13-25]
Who First Thought of Trying That?: Stickergate: Getting to the Final Chapter: Here you go. Pray that SCOTUS takes it up. There is much there that would interest them. Not an Open Road Exactly: A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: Want a Really Encouraging Read?: Right here. A Warm Friendly Approach: HT: Samuel …
On the Deification of Diseased Daydreams
Introduction: The great Thomas Sowell has written a slew of books, and I in turn have read a passel of them. Part of making America great again is bringing back words like slew and passel. At any rate, Thomas Sowell has written a pile of books, and I have read 11 of them. To be …
Out and In
“All the promises of the Old Testament have come to fruition in Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 1:20), and hence, all who are in Christ have been brought into the true Israel of God. Unbelieving Jews have been cut out of that true Israel, and believing Gentiles have been brought into it.”
American Milk and Honey, p. 119