A Gratuitous Potshot?

It has been drawn to my attention that some folks have wondered whether or not I was aiming at David Bahnsen (and friends) with this recent paragraph: “Professing Christians who are nervous about Christian nationalism will see their options begin to narrow. They cannot refute these observations, or at least to date have shown no …

Sons of the Reformation

“Are you children of Calvin? Then do the works of Calvin. Don’t read us the words of Calvin in a monotone; don’t read them off the marble monument you set up in the lobby of the Reformed museum. And if you try to read them in that monotone, and I object, don’t try to make it appear that I have problems with his words. Preach them to the world in the open air; preach them in such a way that people start accusing you of being a madman, or drunk, or evil, or something. Preach them in such a way that people set up anonymous websites to destroy your reputation. Don’t pin his words to a poster board like a row of dead but orthodox butterflies.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 657

FAQs on Men, Women, and Sexuality

Would you call yourself an advocate of patriarchy or an advocate of complementarianism? I would want to call myself patriarchal. Complementarians want to honor the teaching of Scripture on submission, but they tend to restrict that understanding to keeping women out of the pulpits of churches, and by teaching male headship in the home. But …

Content Cluster Muster [04-04-24]

She’s Not Messing Around: Open Road: And more here. A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: She Remembers Then . . . : HT: Samuel Cherubin: Edouard Leon Cortes Featured Product: Chestertonian Calvinism:For a number of years now, we have been urging the adoption of a Chestertonian Calvinism. For those acquainted with the works …

Westminster, Aye

“The Westminster Confession of Faith does not need constant fixing; the hearts of Westminsterians do need constant fixing. The problem is not Moses’ seat, but rather the Pharisaical bums ensconced there. I have been regularly surprised at the defenders of the Confession who cannot answer simple questions about what is actually in it. Their loyalty to the confession is loyalty to the idea of having it, and not to what it actually says.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, pp. 656-657

A Quick Christian Nationalism Walk Through

So let us start at the base of the stairs, and go up them one at a time. Every society, of necessity, must have a final locus of authority. That authority must either be contingent and within the system, or absolute and outside the system. If there is no absolute authority outside the system, then …

A Bomber’s Nose

“Thousands of hours of study without meeting with the principals face-to-face is thousands of hours of yelling up the wrong rain spout. Establishing committees that are as stacked as a WWII bomber’s nose is not the way to inspire my confidence. No, I haven’t gotten over the sheer brazenness of that study committee.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 653