A Neo-Nazi Godsend

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Not only did it not have to be this way, it certainly won’t be. So that part of it is a relief anyway.

Back when I was a kid at home, periodic wrestling matches would break out in the living room. There were various wrestlers involved at different times, but one of the things I remember is the role played by my mother, which was to stand in the doorway and say, “Somebody is going to get hurt.”

I am not casting shade in a maternal direction here, because the fact was that she had a point. One time, shortly before I went off to the Navy, one of the aforementioned matches broke out between my father and me, during the course of which he broke two or three fingers on his hand. He didn’t go to the doctor, and never told my mom. It was not quite clear what he broke, but he sure broke something because whenever he held his hand out level, those fingers would just hang down. He soon took to resting his hand on table tops so they wouldn’t hang down quite so obviously.

Now what, you may be thinking, does any of this have to do with the title? A neo-Nazi Godsend? I’m getting to that, give me a minute.

When White Boy Summer first became a thing, I didn’t like it and said so at the time. But what’s not to like? I like summer, and I like white boys fine. What possible harm could come from a little celebratory skylarking and high-jinks from some tousled-headed blond boys, you know, surfing and stuff? Or wearing those, you know, sunglasses? So when it all started, people could just stare at me and my dislikery with a fat face. Was I trying to be a Fuddy? Was I walking around with a pitcher of cold water, looking for somebody’s clam chowder to pour it into? Was I trying to get out ahead of Canon Press’s #boomercringe campaign?

And that was the moment, when everything seemed somewhat bleak, that Samuel Holden came to my rescue with his White Boy Summer video. I was about to die of being misunderstood yet again, but the stars still fight from their courses. You know, against Sisera. Here was my neo-Nazi Godsend. Something snapped, ominously, and all of a sudden my father’s fingers were hanging down. Somebody got hurt. Mother was right. Again.

For those who have trouble with reading comprehension, and the recent controversy indicates that this number might not be a small one, in the analogy above, I am the mother who was right. But you might be muttering something like “but who got hurt?” This was only—as Dr. Seuss might have put it—a Twitter Bluster Battle.

What got hurt was the careful work of Reformed men laboring for years against our civic atheism, soldiering through decades of leftist defamation as a result, only to have a pack of aggrieved young anons, who need to read a book sometime, decide that they were going to do whatever they could to demonstrate how the long-standing slanders were not slanders at all. Of course, I exempt from this acerbic charge of mine the FBI men involved, who are just doing their job. And the FBI bots, which have no moral agency.

From sunglasses to a celebration of Aryan hubris . . . that escalated somewhat quickly. But if these guys are right and the conspiratorial Jews are after the white race, then I have good news for them at least. Their task of world conquest is going to be way easier than they thought because the whites that they are up against have some really smooth brain surfaces.

The anon defenders of whiteness are going to lose because all that needs to happen is for the Mossad to leave little puddles of glue around with signs posted that say, “Free glue. Do not huff. Signed, the Joooozzz.”

Revoice for Nazis

Now I do recognize that the WBS video was way back in September, which in Internet years seems like aeons, and so why am I going on about it? The reason is that that video was just the kick-off, and we are still in the same football game, late in the second quarter.

The heroic stance of the video notwithstanding, and the desire to valorize young blond men gazing steely-eyed into the distance, the whole thing remains as gay as the pope’s second best Advent nightgown. We needed young men to return to the robust Westminster faith of their fathers, and what we got was a kick-dancing line in the form of a swastika.

So the issue wasn’t the video all by its lonesome. Somebody can always be counted on to be problematic in that way, and we should always budget for the randos. The problem was the broader purchase it had—how it was retweeted, and how when it became apparent how bad it was, the tendency was to just sidle away from it instead of confronting the infection at the center of it. But you don’t sidle away from something like this. You don’t deal with sepsis by dabbing around the edges (Jer. 6:14).

Controlled Opposition

The secular establishment is decrepit and on its last legs, but we do need to recognize there is still some effective malice in the old girl yet. They still are able to manage and control significant aspects of their opposition. And there are two sorts of controlled opposition that we need to take note of.

The first is the kind that we have gotten used to, with a great example being that of the game preserve for RINOs that we call Congress. They talk a great game at the Lincoln Day dinners, and their glossy stock campaign brochures all have phrases like “core conservative values” on them. But every genuine conservative observer knows that their voting record is a joke. On every issue that matters, they can be counted on to fold like they were entered in an origami contest. So they are ostensibly opposed to the left, on paper, but their bark, which is worse than their bite, is not that much of a bark either. In the Christian scene, this would be David French territory.

But the other kind of controlled opposition is what might be called the unhinged opposition. These are the kind of people whose idea of owning the libs is to act in exactly the way libs would love for their opposition to act. And when the commies can’t find useful idiots to perform this function for free, they can always round up some of their FBI boys to march in the kind of Nazi parade that looks like it was ordered fresh from CostCo. Small bits of the foam packing material is still stuck to their creased khakis. But they are on payroll . . . and I am trying to talk about the idiot volunteers.

The left said that Trump was literally Hitler. America said “what a joke,” and elected him anyhow. The anons argued that it was not enough to say joke, it was somehow necessary to become the joke, and started to work on the choreography of their kick-dancing. Joe and Mika were breathing into paper bags over the prospect of Literal Hitler being elected, and now that he is to be the next president they traveled to Mar a Lago to “open communications” with Literal Hitler. This of course revealed that their whole line of accusation was nothing but progressive balloon juice, and so this is the moment when a bunch of people on the right decided it was time to start shouting, “No, no! It really is Literal Hitler! And that’s a good thing! Listen to uuussssss!”

This is yet one more example of professing Christians saying to the world, “Anything you guys can do, we can do five years later and a lot worse.” Right when the world got really tired of cancel culture swarms, these guys have tried to pick up the tactic. They like to pretend that they stand against “cancel culture,” but they are simply the right wing iteration of cancel culture. They swarm just like the Twitter Left used to do before Elon pulled out his credit card. Just watch. I am going to leave the comments open on this post. Leave it be for a couple of hours, and then come back and take a look. They can’t help themselves—but I’ll turn the comments off again if it gets too rancid. A.D. Robles simply mentioned that he and I had talked, and they went after him.

Unfortunately, some do not see through this, and are cowed by it. If they were to forthrightly condemn the brain leprosy of actual fascism, the anons might take it ill. The anons might say that they “have buckled.” The cry goes forth in the corridors of cyber anonymity. “He must have kissed somebody’s ring!” This is the kind of thing that should just be answered with some folk wisdom.

“They say! What say they? Let them say.”

The key to longevity and survival in a time like this is to care very much what God thinks (2 Tim. 2:15), and to not care even a little bit what malevolent carpers think. So if you have profited very much over the years from Canon material, and you have loved Canon+, but it grieves you deeply that you have come to believe we have been taken over by Zionists, you may be eligible for a free Unsubscribe tee-shirt.

Revoice for Nazis

One reply might be that this is not a matter of cowardice. Rather, it is missional. Let’s call it outreach.

Some might say that they do not share the disaffection of the young, restless, and racist, but that they do understand it. Their hearts go out to these guys. They believe that if they just come alongside and put their arm around them, they could quite possibly bring them around. But bring them around to what? Right wing squish that cannot denounce a plain evil? Because of what some anonymous someone might say?

Yeah, a bunch of these young men have really been burnt, and badly worked over. They have been grievously disappointed in life, and your idea of a grand plan is to disappoint them yet again? These young men are aggrieved because they are disillusioned by all the lies they have been told, and you are going to fix it with some more lies?

No, Really. What Will the Anons Say?

A few months ago, Will Spencer stepped on a rake when he interviewed someone from Stone Choir. He was quickly notified of the background bile that he had not known about, took his video down immediately, and promptly apologized. He then followed up with some great content on the whole topic that showed a real mastery of the subject. I do not bring this up to poke at a sore spot, but rather to laud Will Spencer’s integrity and obvious courage.

When something like this happens, and a correction has to be made, a proud young man would not want to acknowledge any need for correction or the fact that the need for a correction had been suggested to him. When he addressed the problem the honest way he did, Spencer was taunted by those who said that he had clearly “gotten a call.” Somebody in Official Narrative Headquarters was clearly punching buttons and pulling levers, and getting the monkey to dance. Or so the wild speculation would have it, and wilder speculation thought it was me who made the call, which I didn’t.

But what would you rather? Would you rather be a man and be called a tool? Or be a tool and be called a man?

No, wait. Let’s make it a bit richer. What if the people calling you speculative names are all anons? You know, someone whose handle is @WhiteStallionBeast, but who works the night shift at a convenience store, and has a patient mail order bride who takes wonderful care of their mixed race “deficiencies.” For her part, she takes a tolerant view of his online hobby. Some men collect stamps, and others paint saw blades. And then there are those who save the white race from extinction. Is he the man whose favor you must curry?

Someone might say that I am being way too dismissive of these anons. The objector happens to know one of them, and he is not a dunce. “He is intelligent and well-read.” Yeah, well, I am not talking about him then. That is the glorious thing about fighting with anons. Every blow lands somewhere. And besides all that, he might not actually be intelligent. He might just be a dumb person’s idea of what a smart person looks like.

So in this latest go around, there are a number of men who have stepped on a rake, but instead of imitating the courage of Will Spencer and just owning it, they have resorted to a creative renaming of the welts on their foreheads. My personal favorite is the post-war consensus.

Our Book Giveaways

The new title today (and through the 24th) is George Gilder’s Men and Marriage. Check it out here.

And one of the Canon titles being given away (Nov. 18-22) is my wife’s book, Learning Contentment. Before writing this book, Nancy had spent a number of years teaching women’s book studies through some great Puritan titles on the topic, such as Burrough’s Rare Jewel, and Watson’s All Things for Good. This book is a distillation of that sort of classic wisdom, translated for modern women.

And in my Mablog shoppe, I am now giving away:
21 Prayers for Pastors on the Lord’s Day.
Letters of Marital Counsel, found here.
Proof as Moral Obligation
No Artificial Tweeteners
And new today . . .
Some Adventures of Fun Dad

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Jake K
Jake K
3 months ago

Doug, Thank you for clowning on the clowns, wait, I mean “immature younger zealous brethren” who love to talk about the post-war consensus more than Flat Earthers talk about the firmament.

3 months ago
Reply to  Jake K

Most of the “immature younger brethren” are 35 years old with multiple children. That line isn’t going to work.

3 months ago
Reply to  Kyle

True and sad. We have a real problem on our hands, and I believe it has something to do with the love that these men have been shown. That hole in the heart sure is going to be filled by something, isn’t it?

The Lord is longsuffering and abundant in mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression; but He by no means clears the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation. — Numbers 14:18, NKJV

2 months ago
Reply to  Kyle

Your age and number of children doesn’t necessarily indicate your level of theological maturity.

2 months ago
Reply to  Jake K

You know what real ethnic vainglory is?

Claiming to be God’s chosen race based on 10-40% obscure bronze age Levantine DNA that’s less than even the Samaritans had when they were considered Gentiles for mixing with other groups.

It’s time for Ashkenazi’s to stop larping as the Biblical Hebrews when by the Biblical witness, they are as Gentile as anyone else.

People say “Jesus was a Jew” not out of respect to Christ, but in trying to justify all of modern Eastern European Ashkenazim’s actions, and shame on any Christians who have been a part of this.

3 months ago

Entertaining and insightful as always, Doug! Thx!

Dalton A
Dalton A
3 months ago

Smart to predict the swarm of anon bile in the comments. Either they prove you right, or they refrain from it because they don’t want to prove you right. You’re either validated or don’t have to deal with it. Win-win.

3 months ago
Reply to  Dalton A

They’re commenting on the post in X. Pastor Wilson being validated there.

David Douglas
David Douglas
3 months ago
Reply to  Dalton A

Past is not always predictive of future, but when Doug has gone after the sins of those who would otherwise own him, there has been blowback here when comments were open. Kinists and those with special insights into the dangers of The Joos, for example.

Armin Tamzarian
Armin Tamzarian
3 months ago

Doug, I don’t really have a problem with any of this, but could you clarify if you agree with the below statement regarding the Jewish Question (or perhaps some modified version of it)? Not trying to box you in or anything but I think it would be helpful from a pastoral standpoint. Might help cut though some of the noise. It is morally wrong and a sin for a person to hold or express any belief that Jews have a substantially disproportionate role in various social contagions and that this role is to a large extent the product of certain… Read more »

3 months ago

There may be a missing element here. Is this statement made in the abstract as part of a dispassionate discourse on ethnic proclivities, or as a part of the argument that “you’re a moral failure and a fool because you don’t hate Jews enough”, or something else? Statements such as the one you articulate are never made in the abstract without being part of a larger conversation, so treating the statement as though it could ever be wholly distinct from either the speaker as a person, or the context in which is spoken, seems worse than pointless.

Armin Tamzarian
Armin Tamzarian
3 months ago
Reply to  Jane

Is disagreeing with that statement tantamount to hatred? Is it hatred of blacks to believe that it’s not a sin to suggest that blacks collectively have a higher inclination toward crime?

Last edited 3 months ago by Armin Tamzarian
3 months ago

Okay, you don’t want to engage with the reality of context in any conversation or relationship, just reiterate. I don’t know why I bother.

Armin Tamzarian
Armin Tamzarian
3 months ago
Reply to  Jane

Not really sure I understand your compliant, but let’s put it this way: Let’s say two different guys disagree with my original statement. One guy says, “No, I’m not willing to say that’s necessarily a sin. I believe such a view could in fact be arrived at through an objective, good faith inquiry into the issue. Moreover, even if the individual were factually wrong, being factually wrong is not a sin, assuming due diligence. Additionally, it is a fearful thing to burden someone with moral guilt over things which are not in themselves clearly immoral. It is pharisaical and something… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Armin Tamzarian
3 months ago

Will Spencer listened to their episodes and laughed with them at their Hitler memes agreeing with them that we were lied to about WW2 and the narrative was being used as a weapon against Europeans. Then all of the sudden after having them on his podcast he changes his stance, and lied about it. But private conversations between Woe and Will were saved and show what really happened. If you hate Stone Choir fine, but lying isn’t the best way to attack them unless you want to make more people believe they are in the right. Many of us looked… Read more »

3 months ago
Reply to  jim

Sorry, I never comment on these things, but I can’t let this go uncommented upon. For those who are interested, it seems that someone has misrepresented Jim Jordan to you. I found the article he wrote containing the assertion about the Ashkenazi mentioned above. First, what he called a “Satanic lie” was not the idea that Ashkenazi are the same as Jews in the Bible. The Satanic lie was the argument advanced “in some Jewish circles” that the Nazi persecutions fulfilled Is. 53, and so the Jews had suffered for the sins of the world. He says that another “assertion”… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Kaylie Halbrook
3 months ago

The pushback against racism and invasion may be an appropriate celebration of your heritage, sure, but kinism keeps leaking in. As Christians responsible for our testimony, we ought to be much clearer about our goals. Sadly, it seems Christian nationalism for many involves bad theology, quickly leaving the Christian moniker behind for what simply comes across as white nationalism.

John Middleton
John Middleton
3 months ago
Reply to  Gabe

Or: Christian nationalism involves bad theology, quickly leaving it’s enthusiasts open to simply white nationalism.

3 months ago
Reply to  John Middleton

Could be, but I don’t think it has to. There is nothing wrong with Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord.(Psalm 33:12)

John Middleton
John Middleton
3 months ago
Reply to  Gabe

But quote the entire verse in order to understand it and not misappropriate it. It is not a nation-state that God has chosen as His inheritance.

2 months ago
Reply to  John Middleton

Yeah, but he has chosen people from those nation-states, and those can be Christianized with the Gospel repentance as the Great Commission commands.

3 months ago
Reply to  Gabe

Christian Nationalism is fake and gay.

3 months ago
Reply to  Barnabas


3 months ago

Why would clothes be packaged in packing foam?

Matt Shifflett
Matt Shifflett
3 months ago

Why did you link a video with strippers? Or am I being unfair??
Please remove…

Rick B
Rick B
3 months ago

Is it your usual practice to create a post criticizing a group, and in the post link to a video that seems to prove their very point? Or is posting the Springtime for Hitler clip your sly signal to the White Boy Summer crowd that you’re secretly on their side? I’m sure you’re aware that some of the anti-Jewish Reformed guys out there believe that you and a few other well known figures really are secretly on their side, but are afraid to say so because you’re afraid of the repercussions. You really do believe Jews are pernicious, that they really do… Read more »

3 months ago
Reply to  Rick B

”The Producers” was one of the funniest movies ever. Dick Shawn’s portrayal of Hitler (in the Play) was hilarious. He surpassed his role in “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad World.” It’s a comedy. I don’t recall folks takin offense in 1967.

Peter Armstrong
Peter Armstrong
3 months ago

This might seem controversial, but racism is bad. White supremacy is bad. Black supremacy is bad. Jewish supremacy(Zionism) is bad.

Also, another controversial claim, loving your kinsman is not inherently bad. Jews loving their fellow jews (I think Paul said this somewhere) is not bad. Blacks loving their fellow blacks is not bad. Whites loving fellow whites is not bad.

Keely Emerine-Mix
Keely Emerine-Mix
2 months ago

“WHITE” typically means “to the exclusion of Black and Brown people.” Love your fellow Scots, Latvians, and Swedes, but when you “love whites,” you are playing into racism, and quite often with alacrity.

James in Austin
James in Austin
3 months ago

“Joe and Mika were breathing into paper bags over the prospect of Literal Hitler being elected, and now that he is to be the next president they traveled to Mar a Lago to “open communications” with Literal Hitler.”

Maybe I’m weird, but shouldn’t journalists be open to interviewing anyone?

I recall seeing an old video of a journalist visiting bin Laden in a cave somewhere. No one said “Hey, that’s supporting terrorism!”

I also recall several tv interviews with Jeffrey Dahmer, and no one insisted that this was an open invitation to keep human heads in one’s refrigerator.

3 months ago

If you give these people a platform it’s clear to many that they are telling the truth. Doug Wilson deals in straw manning and silly caricatures and has been hiding for years behind closed comments because he can’t counter their arguments.
Doug Wilson has no problem with Jewish nationalists or Jewish supremacists.

Last edited 3 months ago by Barnabas
3 months ago
Reply to  Barnabas

You hit the nail right on the head Barnabas. I posted hours ago and it still hasn’t been “approved.”

3 months ago
Reply to  Douglas Wilson

Thanks for clearing that up. My original post disappeared into the ether, I posted it again with no issues this time.

3 months ago

I love all the bluster and chest thumping, now if only you’d actually let people post and debate with you like you say you will in your article, but no, then you won’t even do that. Even a well thought out dissent with zero profanity.

I also love how you let all the little fan boys fluff your ego up and put their posts through though. You never cease to impress.

John W
John W
3 months ago

Proverbs 26:4

3 months ago

I’m surprised Wilson made it this far into NQN before he got around to attacking white people. I got my unsubscribe t-shirt years ago.

3 months ago
Reply to  Barnabas

Yet here you are….

3 months ago

Doug’s writing makes me laugh.

3 months ago

I never could figure out what White Boy Summer was. Now I learn it was some video. I’m always behind the times! And I am no longer on Xitter (locked out) so I miss all the fun. Reading these/watching the video version always feels like coming into a conversation in the middle.

My understanding these days is there are some ACTUAL white racists going around, and even claiming to be Christians? I hope I got at least that much correct.

3 months ago
Reply to  Yesica1993

The vast majority of Christians who have ever lived have been racists.

3 months ago
Reply to  Barnabas

The only reason people don’t realize this is that they’re functionally illiterate.

Tyler S
Tyler S
3 months ago

I think a lot of us are just confused about the whole Joel situation. He’s a solid brother and seems to be looped in with bad actors. Sure, he holds a different view on the future of the Jews, but so did many reformers. And he was recently smeared and many expressed vague concern, but no one apologized. No one just came out and clearly said “Oh, and to be clear, we’re talking about people who hate Jews, not those faithful brothers like Isker, Webbon, Sauve, Robles, etc whom we love but disagree about the future of the Jews or… Read more »

Larson Hicks
3 months ago

Got a Minute? With Douglas Wilson & Rich Lusk

“Keeping Your Kids, Neo-Nazis, and Girard”


3 months ago

To be honest Doug, I’m shocked that you left the comments up on this post at all. Given your habit of slinging mud, skirting verifiable facts, and leaving no room for rebuttal in the vast majority of your posts. As for books, since you respect Martin Luther so much, maybe a look into “On the Jews and Their Lies” would be worthwhile. What possessed such a wise man to write such evil things against the “Chosen Ones”? How about Henry Ford’s “The International Jew”? Or maybe a book written by a man who experienced Bolshevism first hand, who watched the… Read more »

3 months ago

Henry Ford read Protocols and it broke his brain. Too bad it was a fake Russian secret police’s document. There were trials over this in Nazi Germany btw. Maybe look into how that turned out since you are so enamored with the place.

3 months ago
Reply to  Chris

Are you sure it wasn’t father hunger? I think he had father hunger.

3 months ago
Reply to  Barnabas

Lololol. I think the movie Bones and All closed the book on the father hunger narrative.

Brian Baker
3 months ago

I represent a group, (not sure if it is a majority, minority, or inconsequential few) who have no idea what has been going on… I went camping some weeks ago, was off X and apparently somebody set off a grenade. Now, I see many people seemingly at each other’s throats and I have no idea what all the fuss is about. Thanks for shedding some light on the subject. I’m afraid it is still a bit dim for me and I am not entirely sure I want to turn the rest of the lights on.

Seth Simmons
Seth Simmons
3 months ago

I’ve been an edified reader of Doug’s thought for 20 years, and I love NQN, but this piece just didn’t have much substance. I can’t even say I disagree with it–there was a lot of snarky wordsmithing (which I love and am not offended by in any way), but not much actual engagement with opponents. My cards on the table: I’ve only recently become aware of the growing rift between the based Dissident Right and whatever we want to call Doug’s camp (Rigney, White, Sumpter, et al), all of which is distinguished from the dumpster fire of progressivism that is… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Seth Simmons
Doug's Incoherent Philosemitism
Doug's Incoherent Philosemitism
3 months ago
Reply to  Seth Simmons

They already sat down with Isker, and his gentle pushback on their incoherent positions was too much for them. They deleted and closed the comments and do not mention the video or acknowledge the conversation happened. It seems clear that Doug et al cannot have an honest, forthright conversation with serious people about this most serious of issues, and therefore sling mud from their big accounts and bully pulpits, painting everyone who criticizes them with the broad brush of hateful antisemite racist, and then deny they were talking about you if you complain, but since you’re complaining you must have… Read more »

David C Decker
David C Decker
3 months ago

Another post that makes no sense to me! Can someone explain this in plain English without all this anon that and anon this. Who what is anon anyways? If this is all insider blather why bother posting to us regular Christian guys that have little time for all this ?

David Anderson
3 months ago
Reply to  David C Decker

Exactly why certain topics often are, and certain things practically never are topics on this blog is something which, as far as I can tell, generally not explained in any detail. We are left to perform our own pyschoanalyses of the proprietor to try to come to our own conclusions. His Christian Reconstructionism seems to me to play a significant part in it. When I then try to reflect on that in the light of the New Testament and the doctrines and range of topics which the thought lines there would lead a pastor to publicly dwell on… well, this… Read more »

3 months ago

I’d rather you go back to the old Doug, rather than using the Left’s playbook. Saying dumb things, then accusing any critique as “cancel culture”. Strawmanning your opponent, pulling out the old “my critics are deadbeats/basement dwellers”. Accusing those who disagree with you of malice because they disagree.
This is entirely aside from your sinful targeting of Joel Webbon. Stop using Eric Mason’s playbook and pick up the Apostle Paul’s.

ex-CREC member
ex-CREC member
2 months ago
Reply to  Kyle

This is all he’s ever done, you’re just noticing it now because he’s doing it to people you know.

3 months ago

So Doug Wilson is stating that evidence appears to show that no more than 4 million Jews died in the holocaust. Jews are apparently blood libeling the German people by 2 million. Wilson doesn’t view himself as vile or antisemitic for coming to that conclusion. His father hunger was apparently not a factor. If they would lie to you about 2 million deaths what else would they lie about? If Doug Wilson feels justified in examining the evidence for the holocaust and drawing his own conclusions why shouldn’t you do the same? The entire current Western moral structure hinges upon… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Barnabas
3 months ago


3 months ago

What was the point of the peep show? Did it help make the point? I’m with you on most of this, but are things ok?

3 months ago
Reply to  Stephen

I think that’s what they call “Moscow mood”.

Last edited 3 months ago by Barnabas
Jeremy Ascot
Jeremy Ascot
3 months ago

Its interesting that per you and James White in your bizarro land Antioch Declaration, denying the holocoaust or agreeing with it are excommunication worthy offences, but denying the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima or agreeing with it and saying “the damn dirty Japs deserved it” is not an ex-communicable offence because you declare “We deny that any particular view of the Allied leaders, their strategies, or tactics during World War II should be a test of Christian orthodoxy.” Yet you claim you are not placing the Jews above other people groups but you’re just being anti-racist; but then you make a… Read more »

Armin Tamzarian
Armin Tamzarian
3 months ago
Reply to  Douglas Wilson

Doug, what percentage of people who have criticisms of Jews qua Jews actually hate Jews, in your opinion? Because it seems like you’re focusing all of your energy on that group, conveniently allowing you to avoid addressing serious concerns as outlined in books like The Culture of Critique.   If you really think that the things I’ve said about Jews, or blacks for that matter (assuming you remember any of it, not that you have that obligation obviously), I would be happy to give you my real name, the name of my church, and the name of my pastor, and you… Read more »

Yorba Linda Yeoman
Yorba Linda Yeoman
3 months ago

This article is not about you. This article is about a person who posted adoring clips of Adolph Hitler. Adolph Hitler did hate Jews. Adoring Adolph Hitler is a good sign that you hate Jews. It is that simple.

Doug's Incoherent Philosemitism
Doug's Incoherent Philosemitism
3 months ago
Reply to  Douglas Wilson

It’s not hate, that’s just what Jews call it when people notice their collective, observable, reprehensible behavior and attempt to correct it.

Your behavior towards your critics does seem hateful, though.

George Perrin
George Perrin
3 months ago
Reply to  Douglas Wilson

So anyone who denies the existence of nukes has to be excommjnicated as well as anyone who says it was justified to drop the a-bomb on Japan, since this is a form of holocaust denial just about a holocaust of the Japanese. If you say no, it proves you just are biased toward Jews for some reason.

3 months ago

The Antioch Declaration was a misfire. An avalanche of words, just to straw man the post war consensus and say “racism is bad”.

This will be a net negative for Doug Wilson and Moscow

3 months ago

The father hunger bit is hilarious. It’s ad hominem, of course, though worth exploring a bit. What you’re actually saying is why won’t these men accept your authority? You imagine yourself as the father in question and you’re wondering why you can’t shame these men into line. The thing is, if these men could be shamed into compliance by calling them vile or racist or antisemitic why should you be the arbiter? If accepting your frame and disavowing Stone Choir makes me a good person then throwing in with…let’s say Tim Keller and disavowing Doug Wilson makes me a BETTER… Read more »

3 months ago

Can we expect a post glazing Matt Gaetz and Trumps decision making so far? 🤣

Aaron Prelock
Aaron Prelock
3 months ago

Let me see if I’ve got this straight: The Presbyterians and Lutherans are neck and neck in a race to see who can revive neo-Naziism first within confessional Christianity, with the Baptists lagging behind (as usual), but not for lack of trying. What the Baptists have given us is a new form of schism over how we use Aristotle, a division among Christians that didn’t even exist in the 17th century when Reformed Theology’s use of Aristotle was its height. And some of the most ardent proponents of ‘Christian Nationalism’ are now reduced to discussing French seating arrangements and WWII… Read more »

David Anderson
2 months ago
Reply to  Aaron Prelock

I think a lot of people have missed this: if your main motive for thrashing out the details of your theological position on the Internet isn’t so that you can apply it by better loving and seeking God, and loving your wife, children, local church members in the situations of daily life, and serving the multitudes of lost and suffering people in this world (a.k.a. loving your neighbour), then you may have taken a wrong turn at a very early stage. It’s time to go waaayyy back to that point and rebuild from there. Endless arguments about the minutae of… Read more »

John W
John W
3 months ago

Barnabas, you seem angry brother

2 months ago

WE DENY the historical truth of deathcoasters, electric floors, peddle powered brain bashing machines, skeet shooting of infants, a cage containing an eagle and a bear, human skin lampshades, human made soap, Jew hair mattresses, and gas chambers. We AFFIRM that many interned prisoners died from malnutrition and disease at least in part due to Allied attacks on supply lines and these represent the bulk of the deaths in question. We further AFFIRM that the very measures taken by German authorities for prevention of disease have been made fodder for lurid genocide porn. These include shaving heads and the stripping and… Read more »

The Rejected Stone, now a Stumbling Block
The Rejected Stone, now a Stumbling Block
2 months ago
Reply to  Barnabas

Now THIS is how you write a declaration.

  • 1st Thessalonians 2:14-16
  • Revelation 2:9
  • Revelation 3:9
  • John 8:44
  • Matthew 23:29-39
  • Luke 14:15-24
  • Matthew 21:33-46
  • Luke 20:9-19
  • Mark 12:1-12
  • Matthew 21:18-19
  • Mark 11:12-14
  • Mark 11:15-18
  • 2nd John 1:7-11
Jensen Fergusen
Jensen Fergusen
2 months ago

Can you explain what the jab at Aristotle is about in the Retard Declaration? Is that just James White taking a jab at Aquinas through Aristotle? Or is that the group of idiots taking a jab at Steven Wolfe for recommending people to read Aristotle’s Nichomachian Ethics?

Charles Monagan
Charles Monagan
2 months ago

I’m not sure I understand what precisely is wrong with the video. I did catch a brief clip of guys marching with the Nazi salute (3:53) on my third viewing, but without any audio commentary, I don’t know whether the creator is showing that in an approving manner. Notably, that part of the video is accompanied by a line in the background music that mentions “the rubble of our sins.” What am I to make of that? Apart from that brief clip, the rest seems innocuous to me. You say that it’s pretty gay, and I suppose I can understand… Read more »

2 months ago


Last edited 2 months ago by Gabe