Yes, But Still Surprised to Hear It Said Out Loud: How It Is Done: Open Road, Apparently Not in Kansas: More here . . . Cultural Leadership Academy: Allow me to commend the work of my friend Joe Boot at the Ezra Institute. Check this out. And here is a video clip explainer . . …
Breech of the Ninth Commandment
“If you have been in controversy like this one for five years, as I have, and have written hundreds of thousands of words about it, as I have, it is impossible to read through those Westminster quotations above and say, ‘Yep. I sure did all of that right.’ Specifically, I can say (and do say) that my purpose and intent was not to accuse any of the named individuals in this controversy with the sin of purposefully lying. But because I did not make this qualification carefully at that time, I believe that it would be quite reasonable for a reader not to see this, and that problem was my responsibility. I was not making a blanket accusation (for example) of flat-out lying against the men at Mid-America or Westminster West. I don’t believe that accusation to be true, but since my words could reasonably be construed that way, I need to seek the forgiveness of any FV critics affected by it. In short, any of the named Christian leaders, critics of the FV, who believed I was calling them liars simpliciter, please forgive me for my breech of the ninth commandment in this” ().
TheAuburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 671
Smashmouth Incrementalism at the Polls
Introduction: So a couple of days ago, Donald Trump announced his stance on abortion. He declined to go for a national abortion ban, saying that the issue should be left to the individual states. In ...
Yet Another Disconnect
“How is it possible to disagree politely with giants in the faith on doctrine x, but when doctrine x appears in modern garb, denounce it as heresy? . . . We can’t claim to be Reformed and in the next breath reject half our fathers in the faith as heretics and scoundrels. And so we don’t reject them outright—we keep their names carved in marble in places of honor, and we keep their books on our shelves, and we reprint these commemorative editions to keep them in honorific libraries (without intending to actually read them). One of the central points that I made at the infamous Auburn Avenue conference was something I had learned from my Banner of Truth edition of John Murray’s works, which set had been given to me as a gift of gratitude by certain saints who now view me as a heretic—for having read and believed what they gave me as a present. Ah, well.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, pp. 664-665
Letters Continue to Arrive, as They Are Wont to Do
Letter to the Editor: Regarding the psalm 147 sermon,Is it possible to ask Pastor Wilson who is the Watts he is referring to about the “cistern in the sky” comment? Also, he has ...
An Odd Juxtaposition
“I agree that everything depended upon Adam’s obedience, but I am just baffled by Lane contrasting obedience and faith. In my mind, that is contrasting walking with legs.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 663
Wokescolds Circling Over Dallas
Introduction: Okay, so a week or so ago now, yet another problematic situation surfaced in Dallas. Josh Howerton, a pastor of a megachurch there, had told a joke in a sermon a month or so before ...
Biblical Child Rearing in an Age of Therapeutic Goo (1)
Sermon Video Introduction: Over the years I have preached on marriage, and family, and child-rearing any number of times. Seeing as I am about to do it again, I need to begin by noting the way ...
Love Himself
In order for us to say that God is love, we must be able to deny, in the same breath, that God is solitary, or alone, or isolated. To be love itself, God must contain within Himself the subject and the object and the verb. He must be the Lover, and He must be the …
Denying It By How They Affirm It
“So the doctrine of justification by faith alone is as glorious as it ever was. It needs to be confessed, believed, cherished, and preached. But there are some who deny it by wearing it around their necks as a talisman; they are in grave peril because when the gospel is declared to them, they mutter to themselves that they are already children of Abraham and have never been in bondage to anyone.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 658