Introduction: So let us talk about revolutions, you and I. Historically speaking, the word can mean anything from a simple change in government, like a revolving door, or it can be a nightmarish spectacle that doesn’t ever want to quit. The word admits of quite a range of meanings. It can refer to something as …
Justice Not Found by Splitting the Difference
“It is not the voice of moderation to limit oneself to believe only ten percent of the false accusations. To hear 100 lies and limit oneself to entertaining only ten of them is not being judicious.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 523
Letters That Help to Soothe the Brain
Letter to the Editor: I was perusing my news feed this morning, and came across a buzz feed article about cult towns in the US. Third on the list was Moscow, Idaho, because of the church ...
One of the Things Saving Faith Does
“He should know about decretal election—he just read about it a few chapters before in Romans. He believes in it, and so do I. But whatever we do with the doctrine of decretal election, we must not manipulate it such that we become what Paul is warning against here—high-minded. Saving faith trembles ‘at the threatenings’ (WCF 14.2).”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 520
Tucker, Vladimir, and Cultural Vindication
Introduction: Despite the headline, I am not going to spend a great deal of time on Tucker’s view of the Moscow subway system, or his take on food prices over there. I will simply note that I found that whole thing embarrassingly naive, and move on to my theme, which is how cultural vindication works. …
God of the High and Low
Psalm 147: Sermon Video Introduction: On the one hand, we know that God is far above us, higher than the highest heaven. But we must also confess that He is beneath our feet, supporting us ...
Addressing the Tares
“When tares are being addressed as tares, and in that condition their relationship to Christ is described as having a certain reality to it that they are in the process of losing, that cannot be explained as a judgment of charity.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 519
A Long Overdue Letter
Dear Kirkers and Friends, As many of you know, the elders of Christ Church decided a few months ago to engage the services of Clare Locke, a firm specializing in defamation cases. This is because the slanderous accusations being made against us were starting to spiral out of control, and we felt like we had …
Malevolence: A Harmonic Convergence
Introduction: If you have not heard about the latest entry in the Moscow fiasco semi-finals, then . . . read on. The best way for you to get up to speed on the general situation is by reading this statement issued by Logos School. Logos Statement On December 12th 2023, Logos School rented the U …
Way More Plastic
“True Kuyperian practice is not to go out into the world and do pretty much what everybody else is doing, only with a Jesus label attached. This is not the lordship of Christ—rather it is Christians getting into the manufacture of knock-offs. If something gets popular in the world, the Christians are right there with a competing model made with cheap labor in a Third World factory and using a lot more plastic.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 515