Old Gif: Yeah, I know. Things got busy, and I forgot. These things happen. Open Road: A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: Friday Funny: HT: Samuel Cherubin: And more here. And Another Podcast Also: Featured Product:
Big Promotion
“When the various controversies came raining down upon our heads eight years ago, along with a few dead cats, Nancy asked me, ‘What is this?’ What I said to her then has only been confirmed by repeated and numerous blessings that could not have come to us in any other way. The last eight years have been a time of unparalleled blessing. I told her that this was my big promotion, and it was.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 786
On the Imposition of Liberty
Introduction: What is the relationship between virtue and liberty? Not only is it an important question, it is also a vexed question. Not surprisingly, a good deal of confusion surrounds it. ...
In Response to the URC Report on FV
“I could multiply such qualifications, but to do so would be tedious. And besides, the people for whom such qualifications are made appear to be steadfastly refusing to read them. They can ignore them faster than I can type . . . I can only conclude that the members of the committee must have spent a good deal of time winding their rear ends and scratching their watches.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, pp. 782-783
Letters with July Just Staring at Us
Letter to the Editor: Have you read American Nations by Colin Woodard. Rocky Rocky, yes I have. Enjoyed it very much. And along the same line, I thought Albion's Seed ...
How Nuance Floats
“I have noticed before that one of the things that the fundamentalist mindset does well is identify the logical trajectory of an idea fifteen minutes after it is first stated. In contrast to this, there is a sophisticated and nuanced academic mindset that likes to fiddle, discuss, analyze, count, and try on different readings of, whatever idea it is in the discussion. The weakness of this latter approach is the the discussion gets frequently wrapped up in everything except what the actual point of the discussion is. It is like a guy who is very concerned to count the reading lights above every seat on the airliner, but who doesn’t know where the plane is going.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 779
On Christian Secularism: In Conversation with Jeff Ventrella
Introduction: I am grateful that Jeffrey Ventrella took my response to him as friendly push back. He has now responded to me, and because these issues are really important, I would really like ...
Biblical Child Discipline in an Age of Therapeutic Goo (7)
Sermon Video Introduction: As with all checking accounts, it is important make deposits in the checking account of parental authority before attempting to write checks out of that account . . ...
Discerning in Name Only
“If there is one thing you can count on a discernment blog to do, it is to show very little discernment. Discernment blogs are often little more than ‘bottom-of-the-monkey-cage’ blogs, which can usually be found at flingpoo.com.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 778
Governance in the Garden of Good and Evil
A workshop presented at ACCS 2024 Introduction: When Christians are encouraged to “budget for” sin as they build institutions, we often think that the only threat we are talking about would be overt moral failures. A teacher is found to have a real porn problem, or you discover that the bookkeeper has been skimming some …