Federal Vision No Mas

“Everybody knew (or thought they knew) what that phrase [Federal Vision] represented. Since I certainly owned the phrase, albeit with modifiers, and lots of energetic typing, what happened was that I was thought to be owning what people knew as this. But the more I typed that, the more it made people’s heads hurt. So one of the few things I have been successful at doing is persuading a number of people that I am a sly fellow, and one who bears close watching. Heretics are slippery with words, and since I have spent a lot of time trying to grease this particular piglet, I must be a heretic. So I have finally become convinced that the phrase Federal Vision is a hurdle that I cannot get over, under or around.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, pp. 874-875

Content Cluster Muster [08-22-24]

Public Service Announcement: Some of you astute types have noticed a few times in the last several months where this feature appears, if at all, in some misbegotten shape. This has been a function of me being very busy, and getting old, and forgetting. Thank you for your understanding. Leaning In to Criticism: Sent by …

The Unspeakable GIft

“Eternal life is a gift, and it is too big a gift to fit into the present. I can possess eternal life now, which means that my hands have to be able to hold the future—because eternal life encompasses the future as much as it does the present. And I can have it now. ‘And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son’ (1 John 5:11).”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 861