Ready to Rumble
Open Road, Albeit Snowy
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A Song I Really Like for Some Reason
To Repeat . . .
Quote from the Archives
“Among the many words which our century has trashed (words like awesome and gay), this word federal most certainly heads the list. The word makes us think of big, centralized things, things that make a collectivist’s heart feel warm and cozy. We slap the word on institutions so little old ladies will deposit their money there. Nobody names his bank Bob’s Sunshine Bank; the name must be something that exudes solidity and bigness, like First Federal Security.”
Federal Husband, p. 9
Friday Funny
HT: Samuel Cherubin
Sohaj Zoltan
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Doors of the Sea: Review
From time to time at Mablog, I do a detailed review of a book, working through it chapter by chapter. This is a collection of my observations about David Bentley Hart’s book Doors of the Sea. This is a book that tackles the problem of natural evil.