Contrasts and Parallels

The various turmoils in the wilderness which the Jews experienced were all recorded, and they were recorded, Paul says, as examples for the new covenant believers at Corinth. Because of this, the one who assumes that he stands, needs to take heed lest he fall. The modern evangelical world likes to draw contrasts between the …

Clothed With Christ in Worship

Never forget that God sees the heart. He knows every thought, every intention, every motive, every excuse, every rationalization, and every motion in your mind. This is the God you gather before in worship. Nothing is obscure to Him simply because you are surrounded by others. Nothing is hidden from Him simply because others are …

Yelling At My Windshield, Part Ten

Robert Godfrey raises a great question concerning objections to Pauline theology. If what we teach is not generating the same objections that Paul’s teaching did, then the chances are good that we are not preaching the same thing he did. If our preaching of grace does not provoke the charge of antinomianism from the legalists, …

Auburn Avenue Hubbub (AAH) Cool Quote #9

“His covenant with Adam was gracious in character, sovereignly imposed, mutually binding, called for trust and submission on Adam’s part, and carried sanctions (blessings or curse). When Adam fell into sin, God mercifully re-established a covenantal relationship with him, one in which the gracious and promissory character of the covenant was accentuated even further — …

Part of the Problem

President Bush was recently in Turkey, and while there he commended that nation for having secular laws and simultaneously being a people of faith. This kind of compartmentalization that we are exporting around the world (entrenched as a way of life here) is precisely the attitude that is crippling the American church. The fact that …