One of the reasons why John Robbins and Sean Gerety are not to be trusted is because of their deliberate misrepresentations, as has been shown in previous posts. But there is another problem that runs throughout the book, which would be better classified as an inability to grasp the argument. For example, consider this: “In …
Keep Your Shirt On
Dear visionaries, Bill Jameson argues that if he found the sight of a bare breast caused him to consider being unfaithful to his wife, then he would examine the depth of his commitment to the marriage — and he would not place blame upon a woman who chose to bare her breast. But then again, …
Working Out What He Works In
So then, for those who persevere, how they subjectively receive grace is part of what has been objectively given. We are to work out our salvation because God is at work in us to will and to do for His good pleasure. My continued subjective positive responses tomorrow must be considered as part of His …
Heart Change
Eventually, the view that natures are unchanged (or non-existent) has to go one of two directions—either we must minimize how bad unbelievers are, or we must emphasize how bad believers still are. Either way gets us into trouble, and the only alternative is to stick with some notion of the traditional evangelical and reformed notion …
Pleasant, Good, and Sweet
Our Father and gracious God, we pray to You in the name of Jesus. The food before us is pleasant, the wine is good, the fellowship is sweet, and for all of it we give thanks to You. We know that if You had not raised Jesus Christ from the dead two thousand years ago, …
Brazen I Call It
One full day after finding out that they have a plagiarized speech adorning their homepage, I check on it today, and lo! I find out that it is still there. I am bumfuddled by this, since we have all been solemnly instructed that this is the most grievous of academic offenses. Maybe there has not …
For the Unreasonable
One of the most obvious and exquisite ironies in all this is that the particular webpage where our alleged plagiarism is documented has a homepage. That homepage has a bunch of places to go in order to get your tolerant juices flowing, and the seventh link down, inspirationally-placed, is Martin Luther King’s “I Have a …
For Reasonable People
The subsequent paragraphs are more extensive quotations from a letter to involved parties of some months ago. For those who are interested in what happened, they contain that explanation, as well as our attitude toward all this before our slander impresarios started this most recent campaign. At the same time, one place where Dr. __________ …
The circumstances of this recent blowup are such that I have to make a fundamental distinction in my responses. Out of the tumult of the last several years, this is the first issue where those attacking Christ Church have a substantive point. For all reasonable people who are watching this, it is important for all …
Video or Snapshot?
Affirming the absolute need for personal regeneration is the sine qua non of historic evangelicalism. Affirming that the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church is the sine qua non of historic catholicity. Deny the former only, and the end result is the deadly nominalism found in many quarters of the institutional Church. …