Gracious God and Father, we thank You for all the blessings that You have poured out upon us this last week, and we look forward in faith to what You will allow us to do in this coming week. We thank You that the good works which we will do were prepared by You, before …
Foundations of Marriage II
Introduction: We have already considered how discontent is a universal corrosive, and how those who are discontent cannot learn to live biblically in the married state. But discontent is not the only sin in the world, and we have to consider a few other reasons why many professing Christians might not be able to learn …
Foundations of Marriage I
Introduction: Marriage is instituted by God, and rightly understood it is one of the most glorious pictures of the gospel given to man. And of course, abused as it often is, it presents a potent false gospel as well. That false gospel either seduces people into a sentimental mess, or it presents a caricature that …
Gummint Schools Some More
Dear visionaries, My apologies for misspelling Ritalin. Kind of negates the impact of the occasional Latin. Ya think? In response to Samuel, I am willing to make a deal. I will start calling them public schools in this forum, schools belonging to us, the people, if you all will agree that we, the people, have …
Gummint Schools
Dear visionaries, Robert asked for a specific instance where government schools refused voluntary assistance from a well-intending parent. Before doing so, mindful of what a friend aptly labeled as the paradigm issues involved here, let me ask for a definition of “well-intended.” What does it mean? In full agreement with the NEA? Docile? On Ritilin …
Auburn Avenue Hubbub (AAH) Cool Quote #12
From Death of Death by John Owen “[Christ’s] own exaltation, indeed, and power over all flesh, and his appointment to be Judge of the quick and the dead, was a consequent of his deep humiliation and suffering; but that it was the effect and product of it, procured meritoriously by it, that it was the …
Distinguishing and Construing
“There’s an ill fama of you gone abroad, Mr Sempill, and it is my duty as your elder in the Lord’s service to satisfy myself thereanent. It is reported that you pervert the doctrine of election into grace, maintaining that this blessed estate may be forfeit by a failure in good works, as if the …
Mystery Theology Theater
Color Commentary on A Précis of the Federal Vision (FV) Précis by the Mississippi Valley Presbytery (PCA) Play by Play Commentary by Douglas Wilson in italics The FV (sometimes termed the Auburn Avenue Theology (AAT)) is a term descriptive of a system of theology that has been current since at least January, 2002. This is …
High Mountain Air
Haven’t posted anything in a week, and that is because my wife and I were off in Florida at the annual family advance sponsored by Trinity Presbyterian Church in lovely Sandestin. The other conference speaker was Rob Rayburn, who simply did an outstanding job. Listening to him speak is like breathing high mountain air. His …
God of Deliverance
Majestic Father, God of all glory, we lift up Your great name through name of Jesus Christ our Lord. You are the God who brought our fathers out of the land of Egypt, and with Your outstretched arm You struck pharaoh and his armies, and the horse and rider have been thrown into the sea. …