Although the message of the Fifth Commandment is clearly a message which is important for children to hear and heed, it is not a message just for children. Everyone who reads this has parents, and everyone who hears has a duty to honor them in the way the Bible describes. “Honor your father and your …
Burke the Progressive?
Morning, visionaries, As you may have surmised, I have no problem posting things that progressives find distressing to their tidy and very narrow worldview. And this is not that hard to do when dealing with fundamentalists who have no fundament. But I do not do it for the sake of being offensive — the point …
Reflected Glory
Dear visionaries, Don’t mean to quibble, but I wish that Linda would discontinue using that little tag at the bottom of her posts: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing.” Edmund Burke For as we know, Burke was a noted conservative extremist, one opposed to the …
Trailer Committee
A few days ago, I mentioned Guy Waters’ book on the New Perspective on Paul, and did not heap scorn upon it. Rather, I commended it, all but the last eight pages, which really were unfortunate. When I wrote that review, I did not know that Guy Waters was on the committee for Mississippi Valley …
Expensive Bread
GRACE & PEACE “At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11) Growing Dominion, Part 25 Those who are wealthy are in a position to afford various luxuries. They are also vulnerable to the temptation to not notice that they have access to these luxuries. As we have noted already, we are …
The Rudder of All Wisdom
James tells us that the one who can control his tongue can control anything (Jas. 3:2). He says in the same verse that we all offend in many ways. The clear implication is that none of us have full control of our speech-for if we did, we would not be offending in “many things” the …
Horton and Wilson
Yesterday I had a very productive conversation with Michael Horton, arranged by the good folks at St. Anne’s Pub, an audio journal. The proceedings were of course taped, and will be available from them in a week or so. While you are there, please check out the other things being done by that most valuable …
Public Toplessness
Dear visionaries, In response to Erica, I was perfectly happy when we had no ordinance prohibiting toplessness. And I would be more than happy to go back there again. In fact, I would be delighted to propose that we ditch the ordinance. Will you all try to be tolerant and respectful of others this time? …
Lift Up Your Heads/Psalm 24
The psalter contains all of human experience. In Psalm 22 we saw faith in agony and conflict. In Psalm 23, we saw pastoral peace and trust. Here in the 24th Psalm, we see the majesty of triumph. “The earth is the LORD’S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. For he …
Grace to God
God of our Fathers, we lift up grace, blessing, and praise to You. We know that we can offer nothing to You that is not being offered back to You, and yet You summon us to this, and delight in us as we offer as gifts to You that which we received as gifts from …