As we look back over the passage we have been considering, a few reminders are necessary. This is the Lord’s Table, and it does not belong to you. This means you are not in charge of the invitations and place cards, and have no authority to decline an invitation that has been graciously extended to …
Letters After the Name
“Scholarship of all kinds — scientific, historical, grammatical, philosophical — partakes fully in the tendency of the human race to veer into sin and folly. Some of the dumbest ideas ever to afflict us have been embraced first in the academy and abandoned there last. Two examples should suffice — Marxism and evolution. Marxists think …
A Thin Disguise
“A man should teach his children the loveliness of pregnancy. Our generation has a pathological hatred of the womb, as evidenced by our abortion culture’s imbecility with regard to children. The alternative understanding should be set forth in Christian homes where a man honors his wife with child, her waiting breasts full of grace thinly …
Sad Eyes
For those who have been following such things, the last week or so in our small town has seen quite a frenzy of tolerance. As I count the lumps on my head, I am not sure how much more tolerance I can take. I have posted some comments on this whole imbroglio, but rest assured …
“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11) Growing Dominion, Part 57 We sometimes think we are mature enough to start forgetting our Sunday School lessons. But we never outgrow certain things, like the fundamental principles of honesty. These are principles which are operative when you are ten-years-old and running your …
Looking Left
“Humility is hard. In order to look back at the past, we have to (metaphorically) turn our backs on the future. This means, among other things, that the future can sneak up on us” (Black and Tan, p. 9).
Foundationless Respect
“When such attempts don’t work, which they haven’t, we careen off in another direction. So our egalitarian age is currently insisting, for some reason, that we now learn to respect ‘diversity,’ but it can give no coherent reason, given its relativistic premises, why we should do so. Without confidence in God’s creation design, we have …
The Sound of Splintering
Come before the Father now, and do so in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. As we worship the Lord according to His Word, we reflect His glory into the world. But in the Bible the word glory is more than just a simple matter of brightness; it also carries the idea of weight. …
A Table, Not a Trophy
In the book of 1 Corinthians Paul sets a number of disorders concerning the Lord’s Supper straight, presumably addressing the more significant disorders. But there were other disorders, as indicated by his closing words on the subject, where he said “the rest will I set in order when I come.” So we do not come …
A Sorry and Pathetic Business
The critical reviews are starting to roll in. Over at New West, Joan Opyr gives her readers a jaundiced view of the recent doings at our Trinity Fest. The thing that seemed to irritate her the most was the concept of conservative Calvinists playing rock music and the blues. But this is what we have …