Finally, a Retraction

A week ago last Friday, the Idaho Statesman ran an article by Nick Gier, in which he intimated that we were neo-Nazis, and from which, since that time, he has tried to distance himself. Some nameless individual at the Statesman caught the drift of Gier’s argument (!) and made it explicit in the headline. When …

Marriage As Manifest Glory XXIX

INTRODUCTION: We have already considered what headship is not, and earlier in our series on marriage we considered some aspects of headship. But here we need to take careful pains to understand what headship actually is, so that we might live out this understanding obediently. THE TEXT: For the husband is the head of the …

For Love of the Code, Part Deux

One of my on-going volunteer interlocutors has pointed out that the section of the Idaho Code I cited a post or so ago (requiring Bible reading in public schools) is a four-decades old dead duck, legally speaking. She points out that it was passed in 1963 and declared unconstitutional in 1964. She did not add, …


In the very nature of the case, over-reaching on the part of the intoleristas is a necessity. Some of them actually believe their own over-heated rhetoric, and others are foolish enough to think that if the cause is desperate, wildly inflated accusations will somehow help them. In the short run, such tactics frequently work. But …

For Love of the Code

As the ongoing harassment of Christ Church and associated ministries continues, some of the folks involved in said harassment have the cheek to maintain (in public) that their efforts are not an example of selective harassment. “You see,” they patiently explain to the rest of us, “this is about the rule of law. We may …

Confessing the Other Guy’s Sins

Living in community as we do, and living in the kind of community we live in, it is necessary that offenses will come. We provoke them, we commit them, we endure them, and frequently we will do one of these, thinking that we are doing another. We provoke offenses while thinking that we are enduring …