“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11) Growing Dominion, Part 64 “A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight” (Prov. 11:1). Doing business biblically presents many challenges. One of them is to resist the prevailing dishonesty in many portions of the business world …
Propositions Rock
All right — we need to talk for a moment about propositions, and tie it in with the point of my previous post. Emergent advocates consistently oppose the importance of “story” to the land of arid “propositions,” whence they are departing. I have argued that this is simply a profound category confusion — stories are …
Painting the Couch
One of the most exasperating features of emergent church thinking is the constant tendency to set propositional statements over against narrative. Abandoning propositions, they are trying to recover the idea of pastor as story-teller. As I have pointed out before, this is like abandoning verbs and nouns in favor of sentences, or lumber for houses. …
The Centrality of Peripherals
Incarnation trumps abstraction. The things we do every day, the things we do all the time, matter to us far more than those things we might think (or say) are crucial elements in our worldview. This explains, among other things, why the worship wars go the way they do in church. Someone could attend our …
Arms Stretched to Fill the Barns
Minister: Lift up your hearts!Congregation: We lift them up to the Lord! When You our Lord released us from our captivity    We were like dreamers.Our mouths were filled with laughter,    And all our tongues could do was sing. Heathen onlookers were baffled,    And acknowledged that our God had done    Great things for us.So we amen …
Everlasting Triune Language Events
We are gathered here now to worship the God who reveals Himself. Moreover, we are worshiping the God who reveals Himself by speaking and by writing, and by becoming a human being who can rightfully be called the Word. Those who seek to undermine our confidence in the ability of words to communicate truth are, …
A Real Mess on the Beach
The kingdom of heaven, Jesus taught, is like a dragnet. It hauls in everything that it finds in its path. And so it is that we here, seated at this Table in history, must necessarily sit down with—to mix our metaphors—good fish, bad fish, broken beer bottles, reptiles, weeds, and old bicycle tires. Jesus does …
Getting Miered Down
For many observers, the conservative revolt over the Miers nomination to the Supreme Court was out of the blue. But for those paying attention, it is not hard to explain at all. For a number of years, movement conservatives have been holding their noses (and largely keeping quiet) over lots of issues — the appalling …
Axis of Treacle
“For now it should suffice to say that modern evangelicalism (not historic evangelicalism) is represented by what one president called the axis of treacle — Christianity Today, the Christian Booksellers Association, Wheaton College and its environs, Colorado Springs and its environs, Thomas Kinkade, and Jerry B. Jenkins” (A Serrated Edge, p. 13).
Generalizing Away
“When I say this sort of thing — that the North had drifted into theologically liberal goo thought and the South was orthodox and Christian — I know I am painting with a broad brush. I know it is a generalization. Even today, if I were to refer to the ‘Bible belt,’ I would not …