About three years ago, Nancy was invited to speak at a women’s retreat in Bloomington, Indiana. We hate being separated, so I tagged along. The retreat was sponsored by a church pastored by a friend of mine, and so the thought occurred to somebody that I could also do some event while I was there. We settled on the topic Sexual by Design, with the thought that I could present a few talks on that topic on the campus of Indiana University.

Word got out among the intoleristas that I was coming, and so opposition began to coalesce, if coalesce is the word I want. As the time approached, the opposition began to coalesce with even greater energy in it such that it became a Coalescence. We got word that I was going to be glitter-bombed. I remember telling someone here that my prayer request was that I not be glitter-bombed, but if that indeed happened anyway, that I would look fabulous.
The event was an eeeevent. With a raucous and disrespectful crowd, brim full of hate, spite, irrationality, malice and vituperative noise, I was frankly glad for the presence of the cops. There were about twenty cops, as I recall. Calm professionalism radiated from them like heat from a stove. Calm professionalism radiated from them like it wasn’t radiating from the assembled students. What was radiating from them appeared to be mostly spittle and eff-bombs. It used to be that college students gave themselves over to the study of ineffable beauties found in the liberal arts, but now everything is effable. Sorry. eff-able. Sorry. F-able. Sorry. Fable.
The fable is that these budding despots care in the slightest degree about your liberties, or anyone else’s. The assembled college students demonstrated the same commitment to the free exchange of ideas that you might expect to find at a North Korean line dancing contest.
That was a time. Since that exciting evening, the cultural wrecking ball that was represented by these students has done its damage to many more institutions, and in many more places — as in all fifty states, and most institutions within those fifty states. Our once fair republic circled the drain a couple more times, and then this last summer, as though somebody gave a signal, the great juggernaut of tolerance was dragged across our continent. Perhaps you have noticed? And perhaps you noticed how many metaphors were in this paragraph? Like two hummingbirds who had also never met?
If you care at all about these things, then there are four things I would like to ask you to consider doing. First, if The Free Speech Apocalypse is playing in a theater near you, go and see it there.
That reminds me. Our initial title for the film was Stonewall, but it turns out there was another film out there with the same name. There was no way that we could stick with the name without gumming up our distribution platform. So, long story short, the documentary that we were previously advertising as Stonewall is now going out into the world under its previous subtitle, The Free Speech Apocalypse.
Second, if the movie is not playing in a theater near you, you can order a digital download.
For those who are interested in getting the most bang for their buck, if you pre-order, it comes with loads of extra content (e.g. extended/uncut interviews with me, with Ben Carson, and with Ted Cruz)
Third, if you are more of hard copy kind of person, you can order a DVD here.
And last, you should head over to the Facebook page to comment, to like, and most critically, to share. Let me emphasize that a bit more — most critically, to SHARE.
One last thought on all this. I don’t mind saying this out loud because these issues presented in this film are actually catnip for real progressives, and so they can’t help themselves. It is not like I am giving a plan away or something. If they really wanted to prove me wrong, they should respond to this movie with a tsunami of civil discourse, polite disagreement, and charitable engagement. But the odds against that kind of thing are actually pretty slim, and we already see signs that the bad guys in this are gearing up to do their “diversity-so-long-as-it-is-just-like-ours” thing. So all this is to say, in whatever way you were planning to act, I would encourage you to do so quickly. It is in the highest degree likely that this movie is going to get blocked, yanked, reported, blackballed, shamed, etc. I fully expect some rainbow executive CEO to say something like, “Fie! Fie!” Now we do have contingency plans if the Totalitolerance Police act true to form, but it would be a little more convenient for you not to have to use them. You will be able to see the movie regardless.
This is because the central problems with progressives is that they really have no commitment to free speeeeeeeccchuuuugggghhhh.
Hey! Who was it unplugged our liberties?
Will the extra content be available on the DVD?
Ian, on the DVD page (http://freespeechapocalypse.mybigcommerce.com/the-free-speech-apocalypse-dvd/), the description says “Running Time: 90 minutes + 90+ minutes of additional material.”
If the free-thinkers actually understood Doug’s metaphors they’d be even more madder.
If free thinkers could unravel Doug’s labyrinthian equivocating writing they would rejoice!
I think you mixed up long and short odds. You are very clear though about what you expect to happen. The priests of Bail will parade. There will be solemn invocations and frenzies with the spittle and the cutting and your corpse roasting on the pyre at least in effigy. Should be fun.
Well, if any logic shows up, they do bail, so …
Wilson wrote:
Perhaps Wilson meant that the odds against that kind of thing approach unity, which is a pretty slim number.
It’s such a great quote, perhaps it’s a good thing we have the cultural milieu that just cries out for it:
“If it weren’t for the honor of the thing, I would just as soon walk.”
I’d have it spooled up. You are going to need it. And thank you.
I’m actually kind of disappointed that the title changed. “Stonewall” has so many more layers of meaning (as in Jackson, the riots, and steadfastness.) I was under the impression that having the same title as an LGBTQ movie might actually boost publicity, but if you say it ain’t so, shucks.
Still looking forward to it.
Carson, certain delivery platforms won’t carry it if it releases within six months of something with the same title.
As previously stated, shucks.
Any theaters have security concerns about showing the film?
The site says Seattle’s an upcoming location. I plan to be there, though I hear there’s a few progressives in that town.
The worst I would expect from PNW-ers would be making noise in the theater, which is why I’ve also pre-ordered the digital version :)
Yes, I would be surprised to see any violence from the progressives. But one thing that could happen is another unrelated group might co-opt the disruptive but non-violent protest and make things actually dangerous.
There were two cops up front, and maybe one in the back at the beginning. More arrived when things heated up.
Fantastic line:
“It used to be that college students gave themselves over to the study of ineffable beauties found in the liberal arts, but now everything is effable. Sorry. eff-able. Sorry. F-able. Sorry. Fable.”
Yes that clever wordplay is on par with ‘It’s not history, it’s his-story!”
PU. Sorry. p-yew. Sorry Pew. Where one is held prisoner to that level of humor.
I’d stick to PlayStation if I were you.
I’m trying to imagine showing up on a site EVERY DAY that I disagree with just to spew silliness all over everyone. How bored must I be with real life?
It’s reassuring that you agree this place is detached from reality.
Kyle affirms his detachment
As a DW lover (I admit it) I’m NOYVICE about the focus on His Exuberance.
One little dust up doth not really make him the martyr he might yet become, and this film might be taken as self-adulation.
“So the rube from Idaho thinks he’s all that? The next Martin Luther against the Queer Church?”
It is glorious to see such good production value for such a mighty theme, though.
Good observation. I’d recommend that we all be in prayer for Wilson. He has certainly taught for years against the subtlety of pride, and against confusing one’s own agenda with God’s agenda. Anyone can fall, but when a teacher falls, the judgment and disgrace are magnified. Fortunately, what I see in Doug is a man who doesn’t take himself too seriously. He seems to have developed this character trait as a habit for many years, and it has served him. (Even though that can also lead to pride.) I have also noticed how those in the unbelieving culture love to… Read more »
katecho thinks that Wilson is known anywhere outside of the marginalized reformed or evangelical world. He thinks that the opposition to Wilson is going to set the stage for some dramatic presentation of the gospel. Notice that katecho thinks anyone really cares outside of the church, or will will give one whit to the ravings of what mainstream america would perceive as the anti-gay bigotry of Wilson. This is an easy mistake for katecho to make. He does not realize that the populace at large will never hear of Wilson (or his gospel) unless Wilson takes it to the next… Read more »
You can’t be this unlike-able in person. Can you?!
Yep. I’d kick his ass in 8 ball then tell my hommies to toss his ass
Dude, why are you here? Seriously. I’m not saying that to say, “Don’t come around no more…” but in all seriousness, I wonder, “Why does this guy keep coming back?” You’re engaged in much more than mocking obfuscation (something you’d likely accuse Wilson of, but it is HIS blog…). What gives?
Mocking, yes guilty as charged on occasion. But mockery sometimes seems the only appropriate response. Perhaps not, but that is part of my personality. Obfuscation. No. I seek quite the opposite. Obfuscation is a christian game. And why am I here? You guys are my people! Really. I used to be one of you. And these are the issues that are important to me. Child sexual abuse. Gay rights. Free speech and science denial etc. This is ground zero Bonhoeffer! Hanging here with folks who are the most part anti-gay (because the bible.) People who would side with authority (bible,… Read more »
Yaaaawwn. How boring
But do you see anyone buying what you’re selling?
I am not trying to convince you or anyone else of anything. If your ideas have merit then they can can handle testing. Isn’t that what forums like this are about? If your ideas are so strong, why would you be threatened by a dissenting opinion in a forum where your views dominate?
I enjoy wrestling with what I believe to see if it is real. If it isn’t then I can change. What good is hanging around with people who think like me?
Make the case, from a naturalistic/materialist perspective, that a man putting his penis in another man’s arse is scientifically forward-thinking and part of the evolutionary chain upward? Where is this getting us? No procreation, death from disease, etc.
What is it with the christian sex police? Ever masturbated thousands of times? I assume you are male so the answer is a resounding yes. Is that directly procreative? No. Is oral sex not allowed in the christian and reformed church? That is not directly procreative. (But only if you are married right? So you get a bible pass.) Ever heard of cervical cancer from HPV? That kills you. You can get that with no sin whatsoever on our part. Syphilis can kill you. gonorrhea can kill you. So you as a christian can both engage in it in non-procreative… Read more »
Did you say you used to inhabit the Christian community? If so, you were the most poorly taught person I’ve ever had the misfortune to know. Seriously. Everything you say is a hack-job caricature. I’m outta here… I work with petulant teenagers all day. Don’t need more of it.
Randi is a pile of smelly, rank, skoobala. It festers heavenward as a stench in God’s nostrils
The reason Randi comes here is innately he knows we have the Balm of Gilead and the hounds of heaven are relentless
Easy there Tim Paul, your generous christian love and brotherhood is showing.
Do you actually think I give a rats ass of what your Darwinist philosophy advocates regarding natural selection? I’ll ride reductio gravy train right down to its logical conclusion.
And Randi comes and exclaims ” That’s not Christianlike!”
Shut up nefarious troll!
Darwinist dolt.
We don’t really know why any of us is here. I like to remember what Chesterton’s Father Brown said when reproached about letting the thief get away: “I caught him with an unseen hook and an invisible line which is long enough to let him wander to the ends of the world and still to bring him back with a twitch upon the thread.” May our hooks, like those of Father Brown and our divine Father in heaven, always be baited with love.
>>katecho thinks that Wilson is known anywhere outside of the marginalized reformed or evangelical world…
He certainly seems to have grabbed your attention…
Nope. I have reformed family members. Not hard to stumble over the fruits of that belief system.
If Pastor Wilson and his crowd are so unknown, marginalized, and irrelevant, why do you have such an obsessive devotion to opposing them? I would get being the ever contrary voice among them if you thought they mattered somehow, but if they don’t, then all your time and energy here matter even less, and that is really kind of sad. I feel for you.
He is able to use this attention to change the subject and deliver the Gospel.
Amen. Pastor Wilson is often in my prayers.
Please tell me we will hear the words “Buzz Saw” and “Tolerance” in close proximity.
It begins: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/ted-cruz-and-ben-carson-appear-film-promoting-radically-anti-gay-pastor-and-slavery-defender#sthash.gubhrSfN.dpuf
I didn’t know it was possible to write a whole “news” story with all adjectives, but it appears this webpage author has gone and done it.
I found this comment on the internet:
Katecho is right to gird his loins for the coming battle of intolerance against the 70% minority in America that are christians.
Brilliant comment. I notice when attempting to illustrate the horror of Wilson’s views, they quote, not Wilson’s views, but someone else’s opinion on how horrible Wilson’s views are.
Stand aside, Harvard Law, THIS is where the real scholarship is happening!
I’ve always taken that as a clue that they either don’t know Wilson’s actual views or that they do and don’t care to wrestle with them in any honest manner.
Had a good chuckle when I read that this site is a “Project for People of the American Way.”
Must be some new American way – certainly couldn’t be more than a decade or two old…
Directing a Kirk Cameron movie is kinda embarrassing… But they can’t all be Eraserhead!
It was Ross Ross Douthat, of all people, who pointed out that the antigay movement in America is the expression “first they ignore you, than they laugh at you…” in reverse.
At this point gay America is somewhere between laughing at you and just straight up ignoring you.
So, just to make sure I understand this correctly, after calling feminists and other women and liberals and people from secular university and everyone who disagrees with you all kinds of names on your blog for the last ten years (dykes, harridans, intoleristas, small-breasted biddies, waifs with manga eyes, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc….), you go to a public university to give a lecture about sex (a topic that is specifically designed to get this particular group who hangs out in that specific location riled up) and then are horrified that they aren’t responding to you with “civil discourse,… Read more »
“and then are horrified that they aren’t responding to you with ‘civil discourse, polite disagreement, and charitable engagement’?”
I take it you haven’t seen the videos of the lectures at Bloomington.
“civil discourse, polite disagreement, and charitable engagement”. This is exactly what Pastor Wilson did at those lectures.
I’m talking about how he presents himself here on his blog, which consistently uses really outlandishly offensive descriptions for people he disagrees with. He frequently presents here in very, very sharp language and then goes out and is softer in person. So, which is it? Which is the authentic man?
Jesus probably sat down for dinner with a tax collector right after turning over those tables, and that incident with the whip. So, which is it? Which is the authentic man?
” He frequently presents here in very, very sharp language and then goes out and is softer in person.”
That’s correct. I think it depends on the audience he is addressing. Apostles of the world, or refugees from the world.
Everyone wants to treat misled sheep as sheep – I agree.
But why you’d treat a wolf like sheep is beyond me…
Well, one of these ‘homos’ might ‘jihadi’ him with a rainbow of insults if he actually practiced his free speech someone’s face.
And rightly, if they were to go further in their unlawfu and hedonistic ways, who would want to suffer the first century persecution and injury that is a beard full of glitter?
Perhaps this is Shubin’s way of arguing that Jesus was intentionally trying to get crucified by calling those Pharisees names and turning over tables down at the temple court. It’s not like they deserved it, right? What is the Gospel anyway? Did Jesus know what it was? What would Jesus do?
He did that, yes. To the people who were the religious leaders of the Jews, who were supposed to be God’s own people, those guys who were making it hard for their own people to enter the kingdom, he did that. He was crucified by his own people, the Jews. To the outsiders, the Samaritans, the non-Christians, he was constantly and consistently gracious. He prayed for them, extended the grace of the gospel to them, and forgave their persecutions.
Except for the time he called the Syro-Phoenician woman a dog. So there’s that.
Right before he cast a demon out of her daughter?
Heh, heh exactly! Like Katecho said below: “Which is the authentic man?”
The merchants down at the temple court weren’t religious leaders, so that argument won’t fly. Neither was Herod, when Jesus called him a fox. Jesus was equal opportunity.
Rachel, it is important to take into consideration that non-believing people today are not in the same category as Roman pagans were in Jesus’ time. The Jew/Gentile distinction has been erased. Now all men are called to obedience to Christ. The whole world is now the temple of God, and there are good actors and bad actors in it. A pharisee today is not just a Christian leader turned legalist. It is anyone in authority who is a hypocrite or legalist, who uses the truth of God as a weapon against the weak. Jesus didn’t attack the pharisees because they… Read more »
Did he say he was surprised? It’s by design as you suggest. He’s getting his enemies to dramatize the difference between him and themselves and they’re doing a bang up job.
Biblical discourse includes Gal. 1, which is far from nice.
Umm, for Gal. 1 are you talking about v. 6-10, which is again about people who claim to be preaching the gospel but aren’t, or about v. 11-17, which is about how Paul persecuted Christians before he was converted?
Thanks for acknowledging that it is by design. Something is certainly being dramatized. We may differ on exactly what.
I mean the part that reads something like “God damn them!” Our esteemed host of course is not fighting heretics exactly nor is he cursing his enemies. As for my acknowledging what he says plainly, you might want to read him again more slowly. I give you credit for reading him at all–I usually refuse to read people I disagree with as much as you do him.
“(a topic that is specifically designed to get this particular group who hangs out in that specific location riled up) and then are horrified that they aren’t responding to you with “civil discourse, polite disagreement, and charitable engagement”? Wow, that is puzzling.” I would think it is puzzling only for one with a presupposition of neutrality. It’s one thing for Jesus to insult the Pharisees; it’s quite another for them to insult him back. The battle is not tit-for-tat, with insults being either good or bad across the board. It’s wrong to insult Jesus because the bible says it’s wrong.… Read more »
Rachel, one very important correction. I don’t do that at all to “everyone who disagrees” with me. I have all kinds of constructive discussions with people who differ with me, and differ with me broadly. I apply the language I do to the purveyors of the revolution.
Hey, you’re here! Hi, Doug. Thank you for responding. Great! I’m glad you have constructive discussions with people who disagree with you. I’ll look for those. But my real question, the one that actually makes less and less sense to me as time goes by and the one that concerns me more and more, is the last one. I know Jesus turned over the tables in the temple and all that, but although that was a very small proportion of his interactions, it seems to be a disproportionately large amount of yours, particularly when you write. Arguably the original Christians… Read more »
Acts 8:20 But Peter said to him, “May your silver perish with you, because you thought you could obtain the gift of God with money! 21 You have neither part nor lot in this matter, for your heart is not right before God. 22 Repent, therefore, of this wickedness of yours, and pray to the Lord that, if possible, the intent of your heart may be forgiven you. Let me translate into today’s vernacular, you may want to cover your ears…. take your money and shove it and die you idiot. God cannot be bought you fool. Repent evil one… Read more »
Read six verses up or so from the passage you quoted. Might make it easier to see the difference between that situation and the one we are discussing. (Also, my ears are fine, thanks).
What I see is PC police of language. It is an attempt to limit expression; the means is an appeal to a stilted Scripture where the Saints and Christ where “nice” .
There is a ministerial reason for sharp words and “salt”. Pastor Wilson owes no, nor should he offer an apology for his rather mundane speech.
The fun thing about intoleristas and other assorted SJWs is that you can tell them exactly what you plan to do against them, and they will point and shriek rather than taking the countermeasures that would neutralize your action (such as the aforementioned civil and reasoned discourse.)
For more lulz, once you do what you said you would do, they will act shocked that you did exactly what what you said you would, and accuse you of being a horrible person for not warning them that you were going to do exactly as you said you would.
“It is in the highest degree likely that this movie is going to get blocked, yanked, reported, blackballed, shamed, etc. ” Sure, sure… already planning your escape route eh Doug? The real odds against anything happen are the odds of any people ever seeing it outside of the reformed and conservative evangelical crowd. Because no one really cares. Gay marriage has been decided in the courts to the collective shrug of the nation for the most part. I am personally happy that it will (hopefully) document Wilson’s anti-gay bigotry in a way that will be hard for him wriggle out… Read more »
RandMan manufactures the “chuckling ugliness” that he needs to see in Wilson, and somehow neglects to quote any of Wilson’s rebukes against the South, or his arguments against racism and kidnapping. I’m personally not happy to see it, but hopefully it will document RandMan’s selective reading habits for all to see.
katecho responds to Randman, who is pleased as he is beginning to like corresponding with him in the third person. Notice Randman has succumbed to the guilty pleasure. Surely sinful. Randman includes these excerpts from Wilson’s enlightening pamphlet, sure to receive protestations of ‘Context!’ “Because of its dominantly patriarchal character, it (slavery) was a relationship based upon mutual affection and confidence. There has never been a multi-racial society which has existed with such mutual intimacy and harmony in the history of the world.” “Slave life was to them a life of plenty, of simple pleasures, of food, clothes, and good… Read more »
Except Katecho never talks about himself in the third person. F.A.I.L.
Evan is quite right. Notice how he has epically busted Randman. His playstation awaits.
Can you play Tecmo Bowl on the playstation? That was the only game I ever liked. Sigh.
Randman does not allow bowls (even Temco), glasses or food of any kind near the playstation. Notice that even though this is a house rule and Randman foolishly expects all to follow it, it is not alway obeyed. Like many commandments.
Randman reveals his bigotry toward free-range snacking, a valid and important lifestyle choice of the domesticated American male.
Notice that Kevin employs presuppositions of snack-style ideologies to try and shame Randman with junk food apologetics.
Kevin has a 3 page response in mind, but doesn’t want to gum up the keyboard with “Dorito’s” cheese dust.
RandMan is wise in his ruling. Jillybean wishes she did not have peanut butter and cat fur embedded between the function keys on her laptop. Not that Jillybean ever uses those keys, having no idea what they are for.
I enjoy reading these in 3rd person… I read these comments like a sport commentator.
With sometimes several people involved in a thread or sub-thread or sub-sub-sub-thread, using 3rd person can be helpful. Particularily when it’s hard to tell which comment is being replied to.
Randman finds plenty of chucking ugliness in Douglas. Look no further than his glib first posts about the remerging Sitler scandal where he jokingly plugs his book.
Well hopefully it will also nail down the positions of various GOP candidates and provide soundbites galore. And, by the way, Doug, the fact that you’re able to get a movie out and promote it on your website indicates there is no free speech apocalypse. One might actually say that you’re howling, ignored in a corner. Contrast that to the Russians who secretly passed around hand-typed carbon copies of samizdat back in the days of the old Soviet Union. No, there is no free speech apocalypse and no you won’t be headed to the Gulag Archipelago because of your film.… Read more »
The apocolypse isn’t here yet, but will come unless society changes direction.
That’s been said forever. It’s kind of up there with the very detailed apocalyptic prophecies coming out of the pre-millennialists since I was a teenager in the 1970s (which is when I first paid attention).
I’m not progecting a timeline for the end of free speech but we will end up loosing or giving away our rights if we don’t take measures to keep them.
People are being fined $350,000 for saying why they won’t bake a cake.
People are being blown up and beheaded for publishing cartoons. And the “real problem”, according to our authorities who are supposed to protect us, is those dang offensive Christians.
It’s true that it isn’t totally consistent yet. I’ll give you that. (Well, some of it isn’t. Not a single major publication will dare print the cartoons, not even the one that printed them in the first place. So that’s pretty solid.)
Get in line.
Make up your mind though; is he hopelessly inconsequential, or is he such a danger that you need to come here every day to save the world from him?
Wildly inconsequential at large. But consequential on a personal family level. I am an apostate and have many extended family in the CREC.
“I am personally happy that it will (hopefully) document Wilson’s anti-gay bigotry”
The Indiana lecture capture Wilsons anti-gay-ness better than this possibly could.
See also Dougs debate with Andrew Sullivan.
So you tagged along just looking for something to do. Did you fast and pray (or whatever biblically proscribed preparation you’re in the habit of doing) in anticipation of addressing what would surely be a secular group of young adults? You say you were aware that the crowd had been basically prepped to loathe you and reject your message. Did you think about changing course and surprising them with a humble message about the amazing love of Jesus, the savior of all men, especially those that believe? Or did you plow ahead with your prepared message, relishing the “persecution?” Sometimes… Read more »
I assume that you’ve actually seen the message he presented, and aren’t just assuming “Oh he must have provoked anger and been an ashle (is that like an ashtray?)
Someone else who obviously hasn’t watched the videos of the lectures.
” a humble message about the amazing love of Jesus, the savior of all men, especially those that believe?”
That’s exactly what Pastor Wilson did.
Less rage, more thinking please.
I would be delighted to listen along! Where can I find them? If you reread, I posed questions to the teacher. I base my inference of the teacher’s method on having read way, way too many of his public postings. I think I have a pretty accurate handle on his philosophy of teaching adults. No rage on my part, that’s your inference. And as for idiots, been there, done that, in my attempt to be a “biblical” Christian. I tend to do a lot more listening now. I find it’s really difficult to retain a hard heart when you listen… Read more »
There are videos of the event on the CanonWired website (http://www.canonwired.com/bloomington/). I recommend the last video, the Q&A session, where Wilson interacts directly with the students. Note the contrast in the tone, how he takes each question seriously, and the level of patience in his interaction.
Followed the link…nothing there to see. If there is access to videos of these lectures, please, someone, link. I am anxious to view them first hand, and I will indeed view every minute if available. Wilson has referenced this event thus: “The fable is that these budding despots care in the slightest degree about your liberties, or anyone else’s. The assembled college students demonstrated the same commitment to the free exchange of ideas that you might expect to find at a North Korean line dancing contest.” I think this description of a group young people as “budding despots” is a… Read more »
Try this. If it doesn’t work, go to Katecho’s link and click on the Sexual by Design banner at the top of the page.
Excellent! They had disappeared a few weeks ago.
“In my attempt to be a “biblical” Christian.”
Is there any other kind of Christian?
Oh, please. I’ve watched these presentations and the only as*h*les in the room were the students.
Its easy to draw fire when you are dancing with wolves. But changing our culture begins with our own congregations. That’s where the real battle begins. Satin’s greatest strategy, which creates the most death and damage, has been to attack by changing, the meaning of a simple symbol acknowledging God’s transcendence in the sanctuary, where we worship. He has done it before, and he’s done it again. But this time its worse, because the love of God has been shed abroad in the hearts of believers.
I’m grateful that the vast majority of Wilson’s work has been directed toward equipping and educating and preaching and pastoring God’s people. It may be hard to comprehend, but it’s actually only a side project in which Wilson addresses or confronts the culture directly. Even on this blog he spends far more time posting for the edification of believers, and proclaiming Scriptural truth on its own merits.
The Church in our society, will not stand defending Eden, when the attack is taking place in the midst of the garden sanctuary.
Attack? Some are just not persuaded that Eve was attacking by not wearing an artificial head covering in the garden. She had Adam as a head, and also a head covering, nonetheless.
katecho – greek to hold fast, as in praising the Corinthians for holding firmly or “fast” to the traditions delivered to them. YOU NEED A NAME CHANGE, because you mis-represent my position as much as you mis-represent your own name and the word of God. And you know it. Never have I mentioned Eve as the attacker. Never. Shame on you brother. Satin is the attacker, and you, like Doug and Adam, are the priests in the garden responsible for protecting Eve. Please tell me then how the church misunderstood the word of God for 1900 years. Please explain how… Read more »
“You have taken down a symbol in the sanctuary understood for 1900 years”
The symbol has been taken down because people have left the truth being symbolized, rather than trying to restore the symbol proclaim the truth and the symbol will take care of itself.
I didn’t know satin had a strategy. Now, silk and lace? Oh, most definitely.
glad I had nothing in my mouth…
If you like this sort of thing then I recommend considering the recent book “SJWs Always Lie”: http://amzn.com/B014GMBUR4
The free speech apocalypse is why we need more serrated edges like DW – to pour the cold water of logic and reality on this hell-bound cultural freight train.
I really want to see this in the theatre in my beloved Portland, Oregon. How can this happen? Perhaps if it is a double feature with the Kirk Cameron flic we could get it into our local B-Movie Bingo at the Hollywood theatre. Seriously though, how?
The same “Occupy Wall Street” group that shouted down Pastor Wilson…
Had a couple months earlier violently attacked peaceful pro-life protesters picketing Planned Parenthood.
I have implored your readers to provide a link to a video of this event (and videos do exist, because your supporters here have said they have viewed them). The offered link (to canonwired…hmmm. Interesting that it’s no longer available on your site) was dead. So I you tubed it and got what I believe are the 6 worst minutes of the “raucous and disrespectful crowd, brim full of hate, spite, irrationality, malice and vituperative noise, I was frankly glad for the presence of the cops….” 6 minutes? That’s what you got? I promised I would watch every minute available… Read more »
eh? My link didn’t work? These videos are on canonwired., shouldn’t be hard to figure out.
I you tubed as I stated above to gather the info I mentioned. The link to canonwired was clearly out of commission. It is an active link now, however. Since I didn’t see the content before the site went offline, I have to wonder if any changes were made. For example, the site (http://www.canonwired.com/bloomington/) now features trailers highlighting the “mob’s” behavior, which no matter how you edit it, is neither violent nor persecution.
Yeah, but you would still support the execution of people who commit homosexual acts if the right government was in place and would make those in government sign a contract declaring their Christianity and so on… so liberty….