Book 4/Chapter 7 A failed church (section 23) 1. What kind of church does not exist at Rome, according to Calvin? 2. If something is not a church, what can it not be? 3. Is Calvin speaking of the people? 4. Why does Calvin say the Roman bishop is no bishop? A bishop or king …
Modern Tyrannies and Ancient Freedoms
Book 4/Chapter 7 Later papal claims (section 19) 1. How do Romanists define the pope? 2. What do these claims “amount to”? 3. For Calvin, what is the most unbearable aspect of this? New forgeries (section 20) 1. What is put forward by the forgeries? 2. What does Calvin say about such claims? 3. What …
The Disciples on the Road Behind Jesus Quarreled for a Long Time
Book 4/Chapter 7 Struggle for primacy (section 14) 1. Why were Rome and Constantinople in a struggle? 2. How was the pecking order of the churches established in the first place? 3. What was the older rule when civil primacy was transferred to another city? 4. Which pope altered this rule? Leo and Nicea (section …
Some Early Snarls
Book 4/Chapter 7 An early snarl (section 10) 1. What early tangle shows the nature of the Roman bishop’s authority? 2. What happened? Forgeries (section 11) 1. What is characteristic of most of the forgeries giving the Roman pontiff great power? 2. Are all such documents forgeries? The power of Rome grows (section 12) 1. …
Ancient Shamelessness
Book 4/Chapter 7 The origin of the problem (section 5) 1. How long does Calvin believe Rome has sought to have lordship over other churches? 2. What happened when Athanasius was unjustly deposed from his see? 3. Why was this a bad precedent? Church power (section 6) 1. What are the four kinds of church …
A Universal Bishop as Antichrist
Book 4/Chapter 7 Position of the early Roman see (section 1) 1. When was the primacy of the Roman see first granted? 2. Were the legates of the Roman church given first place at that council? Chalcedon (section 2) 1. Why was the Roman church given the first seat at Chalcedon? 2. Did Rome have …
Peter in Rome
Book 4/Chapter 6 Peter in Rome (section 14) 1. What is the principle reason Calvin doesn’t believe Peter was ever bishop in Rome? Peter and Paul (section 15) 1. Why does this involve a character issue for Peter? 2. Does Calvin allow that Peter may have been martyred in Rome? 3. Why should we focus …
Rome is Not Peter
Book 4/Chapter 6 Christ the Head (section 9) 1. What does Calvin call the idea of having the whole world under one earthly head? 2. Who is the sole Head of the Church? 3. And what is excluded by this? An argument from silence (section 10) 1. What place in the New Testament should have …
Honor and Power
Book 4/Chapter 6 Honor is not power (section 5) 1. What fundamental distinction with regard to leadership does Calvin make in this section? One foundation (section 6) 1. What does Calvin take as the “rock” upon which Christ will build the church? Peter and the others (section 7) 1. What does Peter do after the …
Power of the Keys
Book 4/Chapter 6 Submission to Rome (section 1) 1. What is the principle of unity for the Roman church? 2. How do the Romanists define schism? Aaron and sons (section 2) 1. What argument for papal supremacy is made from the Old Testament? 2. How does Calvin answer this? The word to Peter (section 3) …