A Failed Church

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Book 4/Chapter 7

A failed church (section 23)

1. What kind of church does not exist at Rome, according to Calvin?

2. If something is not a church, what can it not be?

3. Is Calvin speaking of the people?

4. Why does Calvin say the Roman bishop is no bishop?

A bishop or king (section 24)?

1. How must a bishop’s office be ordered?

2. Why does Rome persecute the church?

Antichrist (section 25)

1. How does Calvin defend his use of the term antichrist?

No see (section 26)

1. Where can the honor of a see not stand?

Three basic convictions (section 27)

1. What three basic convictions does Calvin attribute to the pope and college of cardinals?

2. How does Calvin come to this?

These are the questions for the readings for Saturday, September 26, and those readings can be found here.

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