Half Buried Under Ceremonies

Book 4/Chapter 10 Papal constitutions (section 10) 1. What examples does Calvin use to show that the Romanists have developed the same inverted values that Jesus chastised the Pharisees for? Two objections (section 11) 1. What are the two other faults that Calvin finds with the papal constitutions? Worldly wisdom (section 12) 1. What does …

Councils and Councils

Book 4/Chapter 9 Truth and the councils (section 6) 1. How does Calvin handle the reply that while priests can err, councils of priests are protected from error? The condemnation of Christ (section 7) 1. By what means was Christ condemned, and why does it matter? Nicea and Chalcedon (section 8) 1. Does Calvin have …

Can the Word Depart?

Book 4/Chapter 9 Preface on councils (section 1) 1. What is Calvin’s attitude toward the ancient councils? 2. What does the fact that he thinks less of the councils (formally) than his opponents not mean? True and false councils (section 2) 1. In order for a council to have spiritual authority, what must it do? …

Pastoral Endowment

Book 4/Chapter 8 A firm principle (section 8) 1. What is to be a firm principle? Apostles held fast (section 9) 1. Were the apostles free to go beyond the Word? 2. How should pastors be endowed? Universal councils (section 10) 1. What do Calvin’s opponents say about universal councils? What Calvin grants (section 11) …