Book 4/Chapter 10 Papal constitutions (section 10) 1. What examples does Calvin use to show that the Romanists have developed the same inverted values that Jesus chastised the Pharisees for? Two objections (section 11) 1. What are the two other faults that Calvin finds with the papal constitutions? Worldly wisdom (section 12) 1. What does …
Lord of the Conscience
Book 4/Chapter 10 Law and conscience (section 5) 1. How does the conscience answer to men? 2. When men frame laws, where do they not apply? No right to command (section 6) 1. What do the bishops have no right to command? Lawgivers (section 7) 1. How many lawgivers does Scripture recognize? Two reasons (section …
A Sound Conscience
Book 4/Chapter 10 Binding the conscience (section 1) 1. What do the Roman traditions do? 2. What is the point under discussion? 3. What kind of church law does Calvin not contend against? Paul’s example (section 2) 1. Why did Paul deal with this kind of issue so cautiously? What conscience is (section 3) 1. …
Fallible Councils
Book 4/Chapter 9 Fallible councils (section 11) 1. What did Leo say about Chalcedon? 2. What did Gregory of Nazianzus think of councils? No blind obedience (section 12) 1. How do we know that certain pastors must be heard and others rejected? The true weight (section 13) 1. What role then do councils have? 2. …
Councils and Councils
Book 4/Chapter 9 Truth and the councils (section 6) 1. How does Calvin handle the reply that while priests can err, councils of priests are protected from error? The condemnation of Christ (section 7) 1. By what means was Christ condemned, and why does it matter? Nicea and Chalcedon (section 8) 1. Does Calvin have …
Can the Word Depart?
Book 4/Chapter 9 Preface on councils (section 1) 1. What is Calvin’s attitude toward the ancient councils? 2. What does the fact that he thinks less of the councils (formally) than his opponents not mean? True and false councils (section 2) 1. In order for a council to have spiritual authority, what must it do? …
Word and Spirit Together
Book 4/Chapter 8 The church not infallible (section 12) 1. What is referred to in the passage that says the church is the pillar and ground of the truth? Word and Spirit together (section 13) 1. Where should the church set the limit of its own wisdom? 2. How does the Spirit then lead the …
Pastoral Endowment
Book 4/Chapter 8 A firm principle (section 8) 1. What is to be a firm principle? Apostles held fast (section 9) 1. Were the apostles free to go beyond the Word? 2. How should pastors be endowed? Universal councils (section 10) 1. What do Calvin’s opponents say about universal councils? What Calvin grants (section 11) …
The Word Sets the Limits
Book 4/Chapter 8 The Word sets the limits (section 1) 1. What is the only way to build up the church? 2. What happens when we just grant men the power they are disposed to take? Moses and the priests (section 2) 1. Is authority given to men personally? 2. What example does Moses set? …
Papal Infallibility
Book 4/Chapter 7 John XXII (section 28) 1. What pope fell openly into error? 2. What is affected by this notion? Papal immorality (section 29) 1. How does the parade of immorality at Rome affect the idea that Rome holds the office of bishop? Cardinals (section 30) 1. What does Calvin show concerning the office …