The Disciples on the Road Behind Jesus Quarreled for a Long Time

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Book 4/Chapter 7

Struggle for primacy (section 14)

1. Why were Rome and Constantinople in a struggle?

2. How was the pecking order of the churches established in the first place?

3. What was the older rule when civil primacy was transferred to another city?

4. Which pope altered this rule?

Leo and Nicea (section 15)

1. What did Leo try to prevent?

2. Why?

Gregory and John (section 16)

1. Why did Gregory resist John?

2. Was he jealous for the title for himself?

Pepin and Zachary (section 17)

1. What happened in Gaul?

Bernard (section 18)

1. How does Calvin use the testimony of Bernard?

These are the questions for the readings for Thursday, September 24, and those readings can be found here.

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