Book 3/Chapter 20 Private prayer (section 28) 1. What should accompany our reception from God’s hand all the blessings He gives? 2. If we fail to offer Him praise for His blessings, what is our silence? 3. Why do some mumble as they pray? Public prayer (section 29) 1. Does God appoint public hours for …
The Mother of Right Prayer
Book 3/Chapter 20 Departed saints (section 24) 1. What would prayers to the departed saints do to “their own repose”? 2. And what do such prayers presuppose about the saints abilities? Invocation of the patriarchs (section 25) 1. What did invocation of the patriarchs mean? 2. Whose name should we rather put forward rather than …
Angels and Saints
Book 3/Chapter 20 One mediator (section 20) 1. What error of the Sophists does Calvin address next? 2. Who alone bears the petitions of God’s people to God? Departed saints (section 21) 1. How would departed saints need to petition God? 2. What is the import of this observation? 3. Why do people feel a …
Advocate and Mediator
Book 3/Chapter 20 Constant forgiveness (section 16) 1. How can our prayers obtain an answer? 2. Does Calvin give any examples of intemperate prayers that are answered? 3. Should the defects in these prayers be repudiated? 4. Is it legitimate to raise hands in prayer? Two offices (section 17) 1. What two offices of Christ …
Defective Prayers
Book 3/Chapter 20 Confident prayer (section 14) 1. What demeanor should we have in prayer instead of terror? 2. Is this consistent with confidence? 3. Upon what does this confidence rest? Defective prayers (section 15) 1. Why does God answer prayers from unbelievers that are clearly defective? 2. What are the prayers of the saints …
The Fourth Rule of Prayer
Book 3/Chapter 20 Fourth rule (section 11) 1. What is the fourth rule for prayer? 2. What does lack of trust in prayer do? 3. What is our guide in prayer? An illustration (section 12) 1. What comparison does Calvin use for us unburdening ourselves in prayer? A basic motive (section 13) 1. What should …
The Center of Prayer
Book 3/Chapter 20 Foundation of prayer (section 7) 1. Do we pray according to the occasion? 2. Does this mean there are times when we need not pray? 3. What does lawful prayer demand? The third rule (section 8) 1. What is the third rule for prayer? 2. Which Apocryphal book does Calvin quote with …
Some Rules for Prayer
Book 3/Chapter 20 The first rule of prayer (section 4) 1. What is the first rule for framing prayer? 2. What model should we follow in prayer? 3. What is the mind, when left to itself? Disciplining our prayers (section 5) 1. What is most contrary to reverence for God? 2. Why do we lift …
The Privilege of Prayer
Book 3/Chapter 19 Two kingdoms (section 15) 1. What are the two kingdoms among men? 2. In which forum do we find each respectively? Conscience (section 16) 1. What is a good conscience? Book 3/Chapter 20 Faith and prayer (section 1) 1. How can the treasures of the Christian philosophy not be obtained? 2. Once …
Two Kinds of Offenses
Book 3/Chapter 19 Offenses (section 11) 1. What fundamental distinction does Calvin make between different kinds of offenses? 2. Who takes offense with each kind? Right use of freedom (section 12) 1. What two situations did Paul handle differently, but with “no change of purpose or mind”? Limits (section 13) 1. What limit is placed …