Advocate and Mediator

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Book 3/Chapter 20

Constant forgiveness (section 16)

1. How can our prayers obtain an answer?

2. Does Calvin give any examples of intemperate prayers that are answered?

3. Should the defects in these prayers be repudiated?

4. Is it legitimate to raise hands in prayer?

Two offices (section 17)

1. What two offices of Christ are assumed when we pray in Jesus’ name?

High priest (section 18)

1. In what way is Christ like the high priest of the Old Testament?

If Christ were removed (section 19)

1. If Christ were removed, what would remain for us in the throne of God?

2. As we intercede for one another, what should we be careful to do?

These are the questions for the readings for Saturday, July 25, and those readings can be found here.

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