Book 3/Chapter 21 Jacob’s blessing (section 6) 1. Why was Jacob’s blessing not to be considered as merely to earthly prosperity? 2. What does it mean that God has mercy on whom He will have mercy? 3. From what vantage does God not watch the future? Christ’s testimony (section 7) 1. What is the beginning …
Jesus the Elect One
Book 3/Chapter 22 Election or foreknowledge (section 1) 1. What do some do because God chooses some and passes over others? 2. What do Calvin’s opponents needs to explain and answer? 3. Who is the principal beneficiary of election? Prior distinction (section 2) 1. What distinction can be made among those who do not yet …
Two Degrees of Election
Book 3/Chapter 21 The second degree (section 6) 1. What is the second, more limited degree of election? 2. What then are the two degrees? Election proper (section 7) 1. What is only half explained? 2. How does Calvin explain what makes up this individual election? 3. What enables the elect to persevere to the …
Throwing Rocks at Heaven
Book 3/Chapter 21 Alleged peril (section 4) 1. What will obstinate people do with the doctrine of predestination? 2. Should this prevent us from teaching it? 3. What are several of these other doctrines? 4. Why can we safely follow Scripture in this? 5. In what way do opponents of this doctrine accuse God of …
Balance and Predestination
Book 3/Chapter 21 Predestination (section 1) 1. What reveals the wonderful depth of God’s judgment? 2. What are two characteristics of the doctrine? 3. What tears humility up by the roots? 4. What are the three benefits? 5. What happens if men pry too deeply into the subject? The rule for discussion (section 2) 1. …
The Sum of All Lawful Prayers
Book 3/Section 20 The sixth petition (section 46) 1. What is the sixth petition? 2. How should we pray against two opposite temptations? 3. What makes very little difference? Public prayers (section 47) 1. What should the prayers of Christians be? 2. What is signified by the amen? The sum of the acceptable (section 48) …
Daily Bread
Book 3/Chapter 20 The fourth petition (section 44) 1. What do we do in the second half of the prayer? 2. What is the fourth petition? 3. What do some who entrust their souls to God still struggle with? 4. When our storehouses are stuffed and our cellars full, what should we still do? The …
Three Petitions
Book 3/Chapter 20 The first petition (section 41) 1. What is the first petition of the Lord’s Prayer? 2. What are we always bidden to be concerned for in our prayers? The second petition (section 42) 1. What is the second petition? 2. What relation does the second petition have to the first? 3. How …
Shutting the Gate of Prayer
Book 3/Chapter 20 The Lord’s Prayer (section 34) 1. The Lord’s Prayer is a table of what? Six petitions (section 35) 1. How many petitions does Calvin divide the Lord’s Prayer into? 2. How are those six divided? In calling Him Father (section 36) 1. What are we doing when we call God Father? 2. …
The Great Value of Music
Sorry — got a day behind. Should be caught up later today. Book 3/Chapter 20 Public temples (section 30) 1. What do we need to have since there needs to be common prayers for believers? 2. Public prayer is lawful provided what? 3. Do the buildings make prayers more holy? Singing (section 31) 1. Does …