Book 3/Chapter 19 Sons and servants (section 5) 1. What two kinds of obedience does Calvin compare here? 2. What passage does Calvin cite to justify his statement of how God receives our labors? No fear (section 6) 1. What do we not need to fear now that we have been emancipated by grace? Things …
Christian Freedom
Book 3/Chapter 19 Christian liberty (section 1) 1. How many aspects to Christian freedom are there? 2. Is Christian liberty important? 3. What are the two errors he describes with regard to Christian liberty? Justification (section 2) 1. What is the first error he addresses? Galatians (section 3) 1. Is the letter to the Galatians …
The King and the Cobbler
Book 3/Section 18 Generosity (section 6) 1. How does one lend to the Lord? 2. Is this kind of generosity meritorious? 3. Why does God allow us to lay up treasures in heaven this way? Tribulation (section 7) 1. What about tribulation? Doesn’t God promise that He will not forget our sufferings? 2. According to …
Inheritance, Not Wages
Book 3/Chapter 18 Recompense (section 1) 1. How does Calvin explain those passages which say that God will repay every man according to his works? 2. How do we know that our good works are not meritorious in themselves? Inheritance (section 2) 1. How is the term “reward” to be understood? 2. How do we …
The Perfection of Realizing Imperfection
Book 3/Chapter 17 Romans 2:13 (section 13) 1. How does Calvin handle Romans 2:13? The appeal to works by believers (section 14) 1. How does Calvin handle the multiple places where believers appeal to God on the basis of their innocence? Perfection (section 15) 1. Does Calvin allow believers to claim any kind of perfection? …
The Beginning, Foundation, Cause, Proof, and Substance
Book 3/Chapter 17 Foundation of works (section 9) 1. What relationship does justification by faith have to genuine good works? Prerequisites (section 10) 1. What is necessary before works can be acceptable? 2. Does justification cover our persons only? James and Paul (section 11) 1. What is the apparent conflict between James and Paul? 2. …
Our Works Justified Also
Book 3/Chapter 17 The Lord’s pleasure (section 5) 1. Why is the Lord pleased with the good works of the believer? 2. What is regeneration? 3. How does God embrace our good works? Promises (section 6) 1. Does Calvin acknowledge more than one kind of promise in the Old Testament? Righteousness (section 7) 1. Is …
Fulfilling the Promises
Book 3/Chapter 17 Good attitude toward good works (section 1) 1. Justification is to be separated from good works for what three reasons? 2. What is another argument for justification by works that Calvin answers here? Works do not attain the promises (section 2) 1. Why will we not attain to these promises through works? …
Answering Slander
Book 3/Chapter 16 Answering slander (section 1) 1. What slanderous charge does Calvin answer next? 2. How does Calvin answer this? 3. So what is the relationship of our salvation to our works? Zeal for works (section 2) 1. Does Calvin acknowledge rewards? 2. What is our calling? Judgment according to works (section 3) 1. …
The Sum of All Piety
Book 3/Chapter 15 The sole foundation (section 5) 1. What is the sole foundation for our lives, according to Calvin? 2. What did Jesus not come to do? 3. If Christ is all, what follows? Death and life (section 6) 1. What are those in the state of death unable to do? Mother of errors …