The Experience of Obeying

Worship is not to be thought of primarily as an experience, after which we can say that we felt worshipful. Rather, worship is an act, after which we can say, or not, that we were obedient. When experience is sought after in worship, we destroy the very thing we mistakenly exalt. When obedience is rendered …

Delivered In Our Generation

Minister: Lift up your hearts! Congregation: We lift them up to the Lord! Gracious Father of all salvation, we magnify Your great works of deliverance through the ages, as You have always shown kindness to Your people. You brought Abraham out of the idolatry of Ur of the Chaldees. You delivered Moses when he was …

Renewing Covenant

We are here in a service of covenant renewal. We know that this covenant contains blessings for obedience and chastisements for disobedience. We also know that all of us stumble and are disobedient at times, and so we wonder what is the good of renewing a covenant that we constantly break. The glorious news is …

Marriage As Manifest Glory XXX

INTRODUCTION: Having looked at what headship is not, and what it really is according to Scripture, we now need to take a look at what submission is not. In this fallen world, glorious things are slandered and caricatured first, and sometimes the defenders of such things find themselves defending the caricature, and not the reality. …

Marriage As Manifest Glory XXIX

INTRODUCTION: We have already considered what headship is not, and earlier in our series on marriage we considered some aspects of headship. But here we need to take careful pains to understand what headship actually is, so that we might live out this understanding obediently. THE TEXT: For the husband is the head of the …