Well, guess what. Wal-Mart has joined the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. I guess that settles it. I am going to have to resign from their national shadow board. Coises! Foiled again!
When Bread Goes Odd
We had some short showings of original films at Trinity Fest, but I was occupied with things and stuff and didn’t get to them. But afterwards, when I had a moment to breathe, I went down to Canon and got a copy of Sourdoughs by Doug Jones, and watched it at home. It was just …
Why Not?
Bob Dylan gets in a little grumbling about the music of the kids these days. The apocalypse is here. Take one hundred liberals at random, and between them all, they can come up with 147 kids. Do the same thing with a hundred convervatives, and the number of kids is 208. I can deal with …
Kinda Makes You Proud To Be An American
Okay. I give up. Resistence is useless. We will all be assimilated. HT: Purgatorio
Some More Theological Discourse
As my father-in-law puts it, who has more fun than people? Just think. These men could have been doing something important, like serving on the PCA committee investigating the Auburn Avenue stuff. But wait a minute . . . I think this is the committee. HT: Mark Horne
ISI Honors NSA
We are grateful to God for all the blessings He continues to shower upon New St. Andrews College. This evening is our convocation for 2006/07, and so we would like to ask you to rejoice with us as we welcome 60 new in-coming freshman. We are really looking forward to this next school year. Another …
Trinity Fest Day One/Pictures
I have some bugs to work out, but I will be uploading a few pictures from Trinity Fest 2006, just finished this last week. God was good, the experience was wonderful. This is a photo of St. Brigid’s Feast on Monday night, with 760 in attendance. People came from as far away as England and Iraq. …
No One Blasphemes Like Christians Can
I can’t stand it.
Washington”s Faith
Trinty Fest is just next week, and we are gearing up. In this event, the “major party” aspect exists in creative tension with the “history lectures” component. The talks this year will be addressing what secularism has done to the U.S. Constitution. Under the rallying cry that the Constitution is a “living document,” the secularists …
Trinity Fest Banner
We are gearing up for Trinity Fest the week after next — we are looking forward to a wonderful time. All systems are go, and registrations have been robust. To whet your appetite, we now have a banner over Main Street, which you can check out here.