Hope you have a white Christmas.
Vee Haff Vays
Can’t really figure out why the ACLU would put this up, but it is really worth a hard look. HT: David Field
Be Sure to Pick Up a Salt Pig
One of the things we have seen starting to take root in our community here is an emphasis on sabbath celebration. This is distinct from sabbath observance, if observance is merely defined as nothing more than having scruples about what you can and cannot do on the Lord’s Day. But learning how to call the …
Accreditation Woes
A few years ago, NSA was pursuing accreditation with the American Association of Liberal Education (AALE). We pulled out of the process when contrary to its published standards AALE denied candidate status to another Christian college (because said college had the temerity to expect their faculty to have a Christian view of creation). So we …
Moleskins at SkyCow
If you are close to a writer, here is a great gift idea for commonplaces. I keep one of these in my briefcase, and when I run across an odd phrase that makes me think of another odd phrase, or an odd phrase just pops into my head, I make a point of writing it …
Building Her House
And the collection of columns that Nancy wrote for Credenda is also in. This one was printed with two different covers, so don’t let that fool you. Same book, two covers.
Trying to Get Marriage Right
In case you were interested, the new book on marriage is now in.
Round, Round, Get Around, I Get Around
Those who know me know that I do enjoy following politics, speaking and writing on the virtues that made America great. Between 2 am and 5 am, it appears that I am the Chairman of Townhall.com. And of course, there is the warm, approachable designer side of things as well. When it comes to interiors, …
So Check Out the Story
Last week I mentioned that Nate has had a short story published in The Chattahoochee Review. For those of you interested in that story, “Conversations with Tod,” the folks there have now posted an excerpt on their website. It is not just the father in me that thinks this story is going places. Well, actually …
A Fun Deal
I am pleased that the Lord is blessing Nate with good outlets for his writing. A short story called Conversations With Tod is in the current edition of The Chattahoochee Review. Quite a story.