Here is a really fun review of Leepike Ridge by Elizabeth Bird. She is the children’s librarian for the Donnell Central Children’s Room for the New York Public Library System. She has served on Newbery, and written for Horn Book, and so she knows a good book when she reads one. It was a pleasure …
Just a Couple Stops
More fun deconstructing the epistemofadists. HT: the Pyro guys And I saw this some time ago, and thought it was one of the funnier commercials I had seen. I think that this was before I knew how to embed video clips here. In case that it so, here it is again. HT to Mark Horne …
See You Next Year
The photos for Trinity Fest 07 are now on-line, and you can see them all here. I have included a few of them here, just to whet the appetite. The first is of our speakers, who all got the brown khaki memo. Then there is a photo of one of the talks, followed by some …
Pitchfork in Hand
Might as well make it two shameless appeals in a row — that way we get it over quickly, and can get back to the usual programing of all the edifying stuff. And in this shameless appeal, I intend to work two appeals into one, both of them having to do with Federal Vision stuff. …
Christian Street Festival
For those of you who are within driving distance of Moscow, go ahead and mark your calendars for September 9. South Main will be closed off, and a good time will be had by many if not all. Make particular note of the one dollar hamburgers.
Henry York Has Cupboards
Since its release a couple months ago, Leepike Ridge has been doing very well, and it looks like we may have some more exciting news about the book in the future. Been a lot of fun. But the reason for this post is that Nate’s web site is now up, and you can find it …
Seems Simple Enough
Contrasting ways of looking at the world. HT: Borg Blog
An “Unnecessary” Website
Somebody’s gotta clean up around here.
Why God Gave Some Men Fingers
This is a good business. HT: Bayly Blog
A Little Irreverence Goes a Long Way
Jihad. The Musical. HT: Steven Wedgeworth