There is a really good interview here with Nate about his writing projects.
OK in the UK
Now that Bekah has weighed in, all my girls are blogging together over at Femina. Worth a trip over.
Where To Go on the Net When You”re Not Here
I mentioned already that Nancy’s blog has a new look, and that the girls are going to be contributing as well. That fun business has now begun. And I have been enjoying a lot. It is a great way to find music you like that you didn’t know about. Check it out.
Church Sign Smackdown
What if there were a web site that allowed you to generate your own church signs. There is? You could perhaps wind up with a battle of the church signs. HT: Scott Linn
Go Check out the Upgrade
I am happy to announce that Nancy’s blog has a new look — check it out here. And joining her in posting will be my daughter-in-law Heather Wilson, and my two daughters, Bekah Merkle and Rachel Jankovic. Go, fight, win.
A lot of pastors could do worse than to insert this little number in a service somewhere as “special music.” HT: Peter Scholtens
Liturgy and Life
Mark your calendars now.
It Took a Long Time for Kinkos to Get the Image Onto that Marshmallow
We have recently been discovering that a lot of people don’t even know that Credenda comes out in an audio version. In part you might not know because you don’t get Canon’s e-newsletter, and if that is the case then you also missed out on a big giveaway. The e-postcard they sent to subscribers the …
So That’s It
I am experimenting with posting images, but here is a fun site while I am at it.
Against the Faith as an Ism
Just a reminder about our upcoming ministerial conference. The deadline for early registrations is September 21.