The sermon here comes to the conclusion of Amos, at least with regard to going through it passage by passage. Next week we are going to be looking at the book as a whole, and then after some applications for a week or two — call it Amos for Americans.
Can’t Tell the Players Without a Scorecard
Over the next few months, you will hear a goodish bit about all of these, four small books which have been the result of debating-the-atheists jag. Because I have already had to explain various confusions about which was what, I thought I should mention everything here, straight in a row. Sam Harris wrote a bestseller …
For He Is Small
Throughout the book of Amos, Israel has been preening herself over her wealth, her privilege, her status, her security. But Amos sees how vulnerable she is and pleads that way — Lord God, show mercy for Jacob is small. “Lord God of hosts, have mercy on the United States for we are tiny.” The fact …
Next Act in the Goon Show
As Chesterton put it, people who don’t stand for something will fall for anything. In a time when murky thinking reigns supreme, it is not surprising that we have gotten to this . . . what? travesty? outrage? goon show?
UK Rapid
One of the cool features of Google Analytics is that I get to look at what countries contribute visits and hits to this blog, and I have to say that I have been very pleased with the UK. Their June visits worked out to 1,635, just behind Canada. Anyhow, we have a lot of friends …
Ad Copy from the Nether Gloom
We are really looking forward to the release in book form of my debate with Christopher Hitchens on the topic “Is Christianity Good for the World?” The release date is September 2, and you can get the book from Canon, Barnes & Noble, or Amazon. The image below is the ad from the back cover …
More on Amos
The sermon series through Amos continues.
No Salvation for This Nation Without a Savior
The most recent sermon preached on Amos, “No Jesus, No Way,” can be found here.
A Little Fun Over At Femina
My daughter-in-law is having a little fun over at Femina. When the contest is over, I will, if necessary, defend myself. And while I am on the same general subject, let me say that the best song I downloaded this year was Mark Knopfler’s Song for Sonny Liston. And I also really liked Jakob Dylan’s Something …
The Secret Motor
Over the last few years, I have learned a lot about the secret motor that makes pretty much everyone go down the road. But God gives more grace, as James would say. Here is a set of messages where I try to condense into manageable form some of what I have learned about this.