Well, here is the cover art for the next one. One minor problem is that Random House has delayed the release slightly. Oh, well. The good news is that this is one is not a page turner only because you find yourself clutching the book too tightly to turn anything.
Seeing the Light of Hard Copy
This is the much referenced CT debate in book form, with two new introductions — one by Christopher Hitchens and one by me. I am really grateful the online exchange is seeing the light of hard copy, to mix a metaphor. Now, for the very first time, atheists and Christians can buy a really suitable …
Crude Oil 2.0
This is not just some fun news. It ought to make us ponder. If we think about this carefully, it ought to make us question many of our assumptions about the world — whether those assumptions are economic, geo-political, environmental, household financial management, or religious. Put in short form, the world does not work the …
Holding Out for the Moon Walk
Scripture comes alive, before your very eyes (James 3:7).
The Book Tree
This is a fun business — Canon Press has released their very first book trailer. Take a gander.
Sin and Altars
Yesterday’s message from the book of Amos was on the tendency of unbelievers to bring their corruptions to an altar. Sinners like to sanctify their sin.
From East and West
Check out, and be encouraged by, this report on our CREC friends in Burma (Myanmar). Doug Jones and R.C. Sproul Jr. visited them a short time before the recent typhoon hit, and we were very grateful for God’s kindness to these folks during that time.
Because Snargles Are Bad
My daughter Bekah had a little e-payment snargle over at her web site, and if you think your life may have been adversely affected by it — other than simple sorrow through hearing about it — you should read her little announcement below and do exactly as you’re told. Update: the snargle is fixed so …
Still Around
Sorry for the sparse posting, everyone. I have been on the road with limited Internet access, which is fun in its own kind of way. When we are back in Idaho tomorrow, we will go back to our regularly scheduled kind of fun.
Apologia for Trinity Fest
Periodically you see reminders in this place about our upcoming Trinity Fest, and that will of course continue to happen. But this post introduces a new feature, which is a periodic tidbit on what it is we think we’re doing. Trinity Fest is a descendant of the February history conference, which we held for many …