Introduction: Last Friday (and into the weekend) I got into a little Twitter skirmish with a handful of folks who were responding to my piece on The Slaves of Jonathan Edwards, found here. The ...
The Slaves of Jonathan Edwards
Introduction: Some people might want to raise the question why I have chosen to write on slavery as much as I have. The reason is actually a pretty simple one: I wrote the other day about the functional authority of Scripture, and the issue of slavery gives us a wonderful opportunity to see just how …
This Crimson Carnage
This post originally ran May 25, 2016. I begin by saying that I think of the American flag with affection, respect and sorrow. I think of what it used to represent, what it ought to represent, and what it periodically still represents. The sorrow has to do with what our ruling elites are insisting that it …
Two Cheers for Al Mohler
Please consider this a most important update. I would like to commend this article from The Federalist to you all. Over the last week or so, one of my criticisms of Southern has been the way in which Matthew Hall’s statements were scrubbed –without explanation or comment. In this article, Mohler explains how they were …
The Full Ascol
Introduction: The title of this post was almost “As White as a Woke Southern Baptist.” That would have reflected a proverb that might be circulating throughout the tribe of Judah even now. And if we didn’t do something, and fast, it would not be long before the proverb would have to be changed to “as …
Racism Inflation
No, let me correct that. We have entered an era of racism hyper-inflation. And what that does, in every instance, is debase the currency. The word and the offense is it supposed to represent have become meaningless, devoid of content, a null set, a big nothing. And it is the ostensible foes of racism what …
MLK, Consequentialism, and More
Introduction: As I consider the next chapter of Eric Mason’s book, and look around at the dumpster fire news that is floating away on the crest of yet another flood, and with this happening on a day-to-day basis, it is hard to escape the conclusion that God is just messing with us. All of the …
Woke, Not Woke
The third chapter of Woke Church is really quite good, and therein lies a tale. I want to commend Eric Mason in this, and for two things. First, in my interaction a few years ago with Thabiti, I pressed the point that Scripture really does contain more than a few angular texts when it comes …
Okay Then. Define “Leftward.”
Introduction: In the aftermath of this post on Wednesday, a discussion broke out on Twitter, the center of which was helpful. I want to thank both Joe Carter and Justin Taylor for engaging with the piece, and I hope that this post will help bring more clarity to the situation. I participated in those threads, …
The Leftward Drift of The Gospel Coalition
Introduction: So the thing that got me going this time was an unfortunate article by Joe Carter, which you may read here. Joe has said, written, and done many fine things in the course of his life and ministry, and this article ought not to be included among them. If the Carters ever move, they …