The Sin of Being “White.” Or “Black” for that Matter.

Introduction: Eric Mason has recently released a book entitled Woke Church, and he has done this at a time when a season of uncommon racial silliness has descended upon us all. And as a sage once observed, if there are twelve clowns in a circus ring cavorting about, you can jump down there and start …

Lig Duncan, Woke Forewords, and the Dikai-Word Group

Introduction: Let’s begin by juxtaposing a few things, shall we? I have been arguing of late that Christians who are in the process of folding (like that cheap card table bought at a yard sale) use the word woke as a good word, representing either a good thing, or a thing that Christians can retrieve …

Woke or Awakened?

Introduction: You may depend upon it, say I, that any evangelical church, denomination, publisher, magazine, study center, society, or seminary, or any other collective Christian thing that we might fashion or think up, that is not in an open, unremitting and hostile war against every form of social justice, identity politics, or wokeness of any …

Let’s Have a Little Fun with Reparations, Shall We?

Wipe that smirk off your face. Reparations is a serious subject. Kamala Harris, contender for the Democratic nomination for president, has endorsed in principle the idea of reparations. So if Mitch McConnell brings reparations up for a vote in the Senate, she has promised to vote present. Wipe that smirk off your face. Speaking of …

The Unbearable Whiteness of Intersectionality

Introduction: As I am going to be writing quite a bit about whiteness here, you may well wonder why this piece is tagged under “Sex and Culture” in the first instance, and “Race and Culture” second. I trust that things will become more obvious as we proceed. The word whiteness, as I will be using …

A Set of Brief Responses to Joel McDurmon

I responded yesterday to a couple of tweets from Joel McDurmon, not knowing at the time that he had written a longer article on the subject. That article requires a small collection of responses, which I have conveniently assembled for you below. His article is here. I want to note at the outset that there …

Race, Grace, and the Crimes of Nineveh

Introduction: In an attempt to respond to my piece on Al Mohler and Southern Seminary—as I think I may safely assume—Joel McDurmon tweeted this: “Ftr, saying that white Christians pursuing racial reconciliation will NEVER be permitted to achieve success, but be strung outwith endless apologies, because guilt is easy to monetize . . . just …

In Which Al Mohler Does Not Kill the Fattest Snake

Introduction: About a week ago, Al Mohler released a report on Southern Seminary with an accompanying letter. That letter (which has a link to the report itself) can be found here. And then also, if you want to read about the inevitable consequences of this, the utterly predictable howls of “that’s not nearly good enough, …