Letter to the Editor: When all those who are suffering eternal conscious punishment and torment in the Lake of Fire, who consciously decided NOT to follow Jesus, even after hearing the Gospel ...
Letters on the Threshold of June
Letter to the Editor: When it comes to honoring the Sabbath, I have lately been thinking that as automation and artificial intelligence become more common place in our lives, Christians may ...
Letters to Brighten Your Morning
Letter to the Editor: I feel like at some point I recall you mentioning the biblical origin of wives taking their husbands last name at marriage. If this rings a bell, it would be ...
Letters Help Us Understand One Another, and Isn’t That What It is All About?
Letter to the Editor: Curiously, after citing the account of Gideon pursuing the Midian kings in Judges 8:4 you mention the importance of local churches setting aside bread for state ...
Unusually Cogent Responses to Letters Today
Letter to the Editor: No Forgiveness/White Orcs For the most part I really enjoy your blog. But every now and then I get the impression you're in a war against the content you find in memes ...
Against All Hope, More Letters
Letter to the Editor: Wow, great stuff. Thanks, Pastor Doug. All the things I'm no longer surprised I didn't learn in my public school education :) Gil -- Doug responds: ...
When More Letters Were Needed, More Came
As you can see from the title, I had a boatload of letters, but when I clicked publish, the computer spazzed and ate most of my answers. I conclude from this the Lord did not have as high a view of ...
Fewer Letters Than Normal But We Think It Is a Computer Glitch and Not the FBI
Letter to the Editor: "…wrapped in the mantle of a prevenient surrender…" I will be adding this to my personal inventory. It is one of the best short phrases that most aptly describes ...
An Abundance of Lotsa Letters
HT: William. No, no, another one Not Buckley. Letter to the Editor: On your article "Male Chauvinism as Feminism in Full Bloom", one thing that occurred to me regarding women being ...
Letters and Then Some More Letters
Letter to the Editor: I very much appreciate your descriptions and metaphors of the different categories of evangelicals. But I’m more thankful for your clear vision and your courage to ...