Introduction: We have had something of an uproar over Stephen Wolfe's book, as consistent readers of this blog know right well. Oh, you noticed? The commotion can be divided into two different ...
Five or Six Carolina Reapers on a Plate of Kraft Mac and Cheese
Prolegomena to the Introduction: Admittedly, this post is going to start out somewhat mildly. But I am simply setting the table, and boiling the water. What I am serving today is Kraft Mac and Cheese, ...
My Part in a Delightful Little Proxy Row
Introduction: There are two kinds of controversy that have followed our publication of The Case for Christian Nationalism by Stephen Wolfe (Canon Press, November 2022). The first kind is most welcome, ...
Canon Press With a Christian Nationalism Press Release
For Immediate Release: In an attempt to silence productive conversation surrounding the book, The Case for Christian Nationalism, or to cancel it completely, critics have recently focused a great deal of effort on guilt by association. Allegations have recently been made against a man named Thomas Achord, allegations which he denies. Those allegations are that …
My 360° Whiteness Review
Introduction: While some might want me to begin today's installment by avowing that the November goal is not to attack everybody—as though I were trying to start a Reformed version of Festivus ...
Make Definitions Great Again
Introduction In order for us to navigate the next nine miles of bad road gracefully, one of the things we are going to have to do is learn how to work with stipulated definitions. There is a big difference between a word or phrase used in a specific way by someone who is careful to …
Exhortation for Knox Presbytery 2022
The background for this exhortation is a proposed memorial we will be considering later on, but the general relevance of this exhortation is very much fitted to the times in which we find ourselves. These are the times in which our secularist overlords are striving to impose a humanist cultural homogenization on the entire planet, …
On Shaking Off the Christian Nationalism JimJams
Introduction: Let us review the options, shall we? Christian nationalism is the current hot topic, and when confronted with the current hot topic, every sensible person always wants to dip ...
Drag Queens Twerking in the School Library
Introduction: One of the most marked features of our current cultural crack-up has been the disintegration of public trust when it comes to many of our central institutions. The collapse of trust ...
Christian Nationalism and the Nation State, Part 1
Introduction: The fact of my ongoing dispute with kinists, and it is in fact an ongoing dispute, does not mean that they cannot mount any legitimate points or raise legitimate questions. They can, ...