Seven Theses on Theocratic Libertarianism

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A Way Important Preamble

An important debate is occurring among those Christians who have noticed that our culture has come untethered, and has floated off like a child’s lost carnival balloon. Quite unlike the balloons recently shot down by missiles that cost upwards of half a million dollars each, our balloon does not appear to be up there on purpose. Rather, like Wordsworth on a maudlin and somewhat soppy afternoon, it wandered lonely as a cloud. You know, I think that any decent writing tutorial would say that I have way too much going on in here for a first paragraph. Let us not try to fix it. Too late for that. Let us just move on.

Shifting the metaphor to one that is becoming more standard for our times—that being the striking image of navigating life in clown world—the secularists appear bent on demonstrating their power and authority through showing us a miraculous sign. Paul says that demonic powers can wow the populace with lying wonders (2 Thess. 2:9) or, put another way, with counterfeit miracles. In an attempt to ape the Lord’s miracle with the loaves and fishes, our current shamans are stupefying us with just how many clowns they can get to come out of that little car. Just when you thought the trick was over and done, out come another six.

But I mentioned a debate between Christians, didn’t I? There are a number of believers who have recognized the radical unstuckness that is afflicting our generation, and it really is heartening to see the realization dawn on a number of different groups that we absolutely need to present a Christian alternative to secularism. Not surprisingly, there are more than a few ways to do this, and so we have different groups suggesting different ways for us to achieve this. There are the theocratic libertarians (Toby Sumpter), classic Reformed political theology (Timon Cline), Christian nationalists (Stephen Wolfe), a Christian form of the classic liberal order (David Bahnsen), stout Baptist resistance (Michael O’Fallon), tactically compromised Baptist resistance (Al Mohler), single issue resistance (John Piper), old school theonomy (Greg Bahnsen), natural law (J. Budziszewski), magisterial Baptist (Joe Rigney), and those trying to stave off or postpone an inevitable already-baked-in sell-out (David French). And of course, our raggety-taggety company here at St Anne’s must not forget our very own MacPhee (James Lindsay). And I would beg leave to play the role of Mr. Bultitude.

So now I will now ask you to kindly hold your horses. Cool your baby jets. I know and understand that a number of the aforementioned would object to being limited to just one of those groups, and others would say that some of the groups are identical, for pity’s sake, and others would say I named their group wrong. I would reply that this is kind of the point I am trying to make. I am of the conviction that if we made a Venn diagram out of the whole shebang, the result would mostly be a circle with blurry edges, with a couple of elliptical outliers like French and Lindsay. I myself would be happy to identify with at least four of those mentioned options, and to be friends with most of the others.

We need to have our debate, but we need to have it without freaking out at each other. So before having the debate, we need to situate the debate, which I will address more fully in my conclusion down below. Provided the men involved in running their proposed systems were regenerate and God-fearing men, I would much rather live under any one of those systems than under the Wuhan fire drill we currently have running. And part of my argument for thinking we are living under a Wuhan fire drill is that it is actually possible for someone to get into serious trouble these days for saying something hurtful and deeply disturbing like Wuhan fire drill.

That Said, Seven Theses

The first thing, the essential thing, is to recognize that the source of our laws has to come from outside the world. Secularism is bankrupt, and this means that we must define our days, our lives, our laws, and our goals, in reference to the true God, and to His Son Jesus Christ. If we might, let us repurpose the thing that King David said that one time.

“And David said to Gad, “I am in great distress. Please let us fall into the hand of the Lord, for His mercies are great; but do not let me fall into the hand of man.””

2 Samuel 24:14 (NKJV)

The true God is holy and He is immutable, and so the laws based on His nature and character will be clean, and they will be consistent. When we base our laws on the unholy and unstable whims of men, we are subjected to laws that are both polluted and erratic. Let us not fall into the hands of untethered men. Law, in order to be law, must have a transcendental grounding. Without that, governmental policies are still enforced, but what is enforced is nothing but the whims of mortal men. The authority for our law must come from outside the world, and in order for this to happen, it must be explicitly grounded in the will of the true God, and not an idol.

The second point to be made is that prior to the framing of any righteous laws, we must have a righteous comprehension of the role of law itself. If we want theology to inform our approach to specific laws, we have to begin with our approach to law generally. And a biblical worldview requires, demands, and insists upon limited government. The goodness of the intention behind any particular piece of legislation does not therefore justify it (e.g. Sen. Hawley’s proposal to ban social media for kids under 16). Any such legislation must fit within a framework that is constantly and biblically suspicious of the government’s natural tendency to set itself up as a rival to Christ. If we are going to honor God’s commandments, as given on Sinai, then the first and most foundational thing we must insist on is that our government bind itself to honor the first of the Ten Commandments. “You shall have no other gods before Me.” Down through history, the chief offender against this commandment has consistently been the state, and not the occasional village atheist here and there. Insistence upon strict boundaries and limits for government is therefore not some Madisonian hand-me-down, but rather needs to be one of the primary planks in a theocratic platform, one of the top three. Limited government is essential because governments are made up of sinners, and we have not advanced very much at all if Caesar crowns himself Lord . . . in the name of Jesus. Limited government is a theocratic necessity.

Third, the source of law from outside the world is communicated to us in various ways. We know His will for our lives from holy Scripture rightly interpreted, from natural revelation rightly interpreted, from the common law tradition rightly received, and from our own consciences rightly interpreting all of the above. The true God has inspired the Bible. He has revealed Himself through the things that have been made. He has guided His people down through history, shoring up the good in our common law tradition and excising the bad. And He has placed the work of the law, written in the hearts of men, such that the consciences of men resonate with His will when it comes to them from outside objective sources. It is necessary for us to acknowledge that our understanding of these things is coming to us from the true God, and we must not be embarrassed to use His name, or to acknowledge these varied avenues by which He reveals His will. In this “judicial” system, our consciences are the attorneys, common law is made up of district courts, natural revelation is made up of circuit courts, and Scripture is the Supreme Court. So then, God reveals His will to us in various ways, which means that we must acknowledge Him in all those various ways. There are many courts, but only one Judge.

Fourth, the Mosaic code must not be simply dropped onto our own era as though no adjustments are needed. We do not simply want the stipulations of the Mosaic code, we want the structure of that legal system itself. And as the Mosaic code was a case law system, and not a legal system that anticipated every possible eventuality beforehand, to simply institute the Mosaic code “as is” would be to disobey the law of God. A case law system does not ignore precedent, it does not ignore historical developments, and it does not ignore the cosmic transformation brought about by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Mosaic code was a perfect law code for its time, not a stainless steel law code for all time. This is not relativism—it is the result of a careful study of what the law itself required and anticipated. Progressive revelation is one of the things revealed. So a theocratic understanding of Old Testament law rejoices in how the ceremonial law preached the coming Christ and is now fulfilled, and exults in the moral law as the embodiment of love for all time, and embraces the general equity of the judicial laws given to Israel. This means we will have to learn to think like Christians as we fill in the gaps. As we fill in the gaps, we do not get to reason in any old way we like, but rather we need to reason analogia legis, according to the pattern established by what has already been revealed. We must put on our epistemic big boy pants. For example, biblical law says virtually nothing about water rights. But water rights are a major feature of any modern legal system, and particularly in watery America, and so addressing it is not optional. We are not acting autonomously when we address things like this. Application of Old Testament law must therefore be made conscientiously and obediently, which is not the same thing as making the applications woodenly.

Fifth, the separation of church and state, a wholesome and biblical idea, is entirely different from the demented idea that we can have a separation of morality and state, or separation of God and state. Separation of church and state is simply keeping a distinction between two different kinds of governments. But separation of morality and state is a decision, in principle, to hand over unlimited and unrestricted power to unaccountable maniacs. States are human institutions and therefore make human decisions with moral ramifications all the time. Can a state break a treaty? Engage in genocide? Launch wars of aggression? Persecute a portion of their population? Of course, which means that all states are moral agents. But competing systems of morality arise out of and are justified by various religions and worldviews, which means that no state can possibly be worldview neutral. No state can be religiously neutral. Impossible. They can, like ours currently, pretend to be neutral, but this just adds hypocrisy to their other crimes. To envision a state that shows no preference between Baptists and Presbyterians is a relatively easy exercise, and would be noble if executed rightly. But to envision a state that pretends to show no preference between Baptists and sociopaths, or between Presbyterians and twerking drag queens, is not to display an admirable neutrality. This only happens when the state has decided to side with the kinky tribe+, and it is quite a game with them to see how long it will be before the Christians catch on. Believe it or not, some Christians still haven’t caught on. This means that separation of church and state and separation of Christian morality and state are two entirely distinct issues, the former being a Christian ideal and the latter a demonic ideal.

Sixth, no righteous political order is going to descend from Heaven, full and complete. The leaven is designed to work through the three measures of flour gradually. The process is therefore designed to take centuries and/or millennia to complete. The influence of the church in history should not be considered a failure just because some impatient kids in the back seat are asking, “Are we there yet?” We are nowhere close to the end, but we have done a lot of good already. We should not abandon the task of doing what good we can just because we are not yet in a position to do all the good possible. We should be content with the tasks that God has assigned to our generation, and not feel bad about the trajectory. The track record of Christians in the public square is not one of unbroken success, but it is nothing to be ashamed of.

Seventh, Abraham and his seed are in fact going to inherit the earth (Rom. 4:13). Apart from a postmillennial eschatology, which can afford to be patient, political debates between rival Christian political theories will necessarily become much more heated than they need to be. This is because without a doctrine of gradual historical development into the future, every debate about different proposals will have to act like those making the proposal want to enact everything tomorrow, and that introduces conflict of necessity. This is because all the proposals, mine included, would be an obvious disaster if implemented tomorrow. So no matter what happens, tomorrow is going to be a hodge-podge. This means that as we in various ways describe our ideal Christian republic to one another, we ought to do so with the proviso that we are talking about 300 years from now, and not about the aftermath of the 2024 presidential election. We are building a cathedral that will take centuries; we are not putting up a tent on a camping trip. Christian political theory, at its best, is a rolled up set of blueprints. Christian activism, at its best, is digging trenches and pouring footings. Now this latter activity is best done by those who have studied the blueprints, but we are nowhere close to erecting the towers. Protestant political theory requires a doctrine of history, and this in turn is best informed by an optimistic eschatology.

Returning to the Way Important Preamble

I would call my position theocratic libertarianism. But I am also happy to be brothers-in-arms together with all kinds of folks. We are not a regular army, but rather an assemblage of militias, called out in the middle of the night. Some of us were not as ready as others, which accounts for the fact that a few of the units arrived in their PJs. Other units, the dispensational preppers, showed up with the fire power of a small but militaristic nation. David Barton was the very first one here—he is the one with the musket, looking like that insurance company logo. God bless all of them. So when John Piper defends the unborn, he has my full-throated support. When Stephen Wolfe is unembarrassed to confess that Christ ought to be considered to be Lord of these United States, I stand on the chair and wave my hat. When Andrew Walker defends religious liberty, I like what I read, and nod cordially in his direction. And can I do this while holding to various disagreements with various aspects of the various proposals? Of course, and why is that? Let me explain why this is possible. More than that, let me explain why it is necessary.

We are not comparing all these proposals to one another. We are not in the seminar room of any kind of academic institution conducting blue sky debates. Rather, we should be comparing what they all have in common with the demonic and demented rule we are suffering under now. Every last one of these Christian proposals, warts and all, would be a major upgrade. Of course, one of the Christian proposals is better than the other Christian proposals (and for my money, that would be mine), but that is nowhere close to the issue right now.

For us to quarrel about our respective systems here and now is like football players in training camp fighting about the seating arrangements at the Super Bowl MVP banquet. It is like Ben-hadad talking trash to the mirror while he puts on his armor. It is like kindergartners squabbling over who is going to be the first one of them to win a Nobel Prize. It is like disciples behind Jesus on the road to Jerusalem arguing about who was to be the greatest, and if you recall, He had words with them about that.

I would rather be ruled by any one of these guys, and their projects, with my disagreements thrown in, than by any kind of secularist. Luther is purported to have said that he would rather be ruled by a wise Turk than a foolish Christian. Yeah, so we signed up for that, and what we got was a foolish Turk, high on meth, and no one manning the phone at the help desk. I would rather be ruled by Brian Mattson than Joe Biden. I would rather be ruled by Andrew Sandlin than Hillary Clinton. I would rather be ruled by Al Mohler than Bernie Sanders. I would rather be ruled by John Piper than Nancy Pelosi. I would rather be ruled by Andrew Walker than Gavin Newsom. I would rather be ruled by Stephen Wolfe than Gretchen Whitmer. I trust you get the picture.

And remember that not one of these proposals is going to be lowered from Heaven by a crane, complete and entire, and all we have to do is take off the plastic wrap and remove it from the palate. What is going to happen is going to take shape gradually over the course of centuries. And the ideas we exchange now, and the debates we have now are going to be important as we hammer out the direction we will eventually take. And for almost all our proposals, the general direction is the same.

So if we want a Christian future, one of the best ways to prepare for it is to debate like Christians in the present.

For Further Reading

Pastor Toby has some good thoughts here. I too have written on such things aforetime.

I am opening the comments on this one. So behave.

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2 years ago

And they say you are unreasonable. I don’t have the first clue why some of these men distance themselves, and/or misrepresent you and what you are arguing for. And you have been saying the same thing the whole time. What is it about what you have just outlined that makes them want to distance and misrepresent?

2 years ago
Reply to  Jon

Because he doesn’t bend over the edges of his theology, his has sharp corners. That’s a feature, not a bug. Many of his critics get the hot sweats when he fails to compromise on essential things. This makes them say silly things.

2 years ago

My minor pushback would be that the second paragraph from the end should feature a pallet, not a palate. The latter is, quite frankly, not to my taste at all!

Steve Hemmeke
2 years ago

Great summary and appeal to Christian charity in our current debate.
Thanks, Pastor Wilson.

2 years ago

Love this Doug. It would be really cool if somehow you could get several of these leading thinkers from the different camps together for a discussion. Something long-form in the likeness of that “Evening of Eschatology” you participated in. Even as unfinished of a conversation as that was, I have found it incredibly useful as I think about eschatology. I’m sure you and your people could come up with a clever name for it.

2 years ago

I agree completely with your long-term outlook, Pastor Wilson. But given the nature of collapsing empires and the speed with which foundational change can then occur, should we also have plans to step into the gap in that eventuality? We need to think 300-400 years ahead, indeed. But what are we to do to in order to insure we are able to act decisively to replace leviathan when the opportunity arises, perhaps locally, perhaps quickly? The old German military adage still holds true; “The thing is in the deed”! Incumbent in this is proper planning, proper initiative, proper training. But… Read more »

2 years ago

Pastor Wilson, Regarding at least one in the above-named cohort (and just as a general principle), it is not possible to reason with those who cannot or will not. “Shut up you moron” is not viable intercourse. Regarding the “what standard” principle, there is one that has been used, successfully (during a time period in which those impacted could be witnesses thereof) and frequently. The standard that they employ is “because you are dead, so how do you like them apples”, also known as the “how many divisions does the Pope have?” rule. Yes, they pass into history, but often… Read more »

Joel Ellis
Joel Ellis
2 years ago

Very helpful. Thank you, brother.

2 years ago

As a Michigander, I too would rather be ruled by Stephen Wolfe than Gretchen Whitmer. Per Lindsay and O’Fallon, if the mere phrase “Christian Nationalism” proves too pre-laden with unwanted baggage, I’m not attached to it. I will not be put out if there proves to be a better term. But in spite of the many helpful points brought up in the Sovereign Nations panel events, there has been very little in the way of prescription, i.e., “okay, well, what do *you* think we should do?” They seem 100% as confident attacking Christian Nationalism as they do Marxism, having apparently… Read more »

2 years ago

I consider myself a socially conservative libertarian; eschatologically agnostic. If I’m allowed one substitution for the latter, I would put forth a robust ministry for the Poor (think about it – if you give a man a fish, eventually you have to teach him how to fish, eventually you have to teach him how not to be poor..). I could see Brian Mattson as my school superintendent. But don’t tell him I said so.

2 years ago

Well, i like that. So let’s dig some trenches and pour some footings so maybe grandkids can start to put up some walls. But… whose got those rough blueprints for the foundation and plumbing? I seem to have misplaced mine, and these metaphors are a bit fuzzy without my glasses. But seriously, where do we begin, politically speaking? Do we try to infiltrate one of these platform-politics parties and renovate the place at scale? Build a new party and start in one corner of the country? Or, since politics is downstream of culture, are we content to focus on the… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

I think that a bellwether for any robust change in the culture will be when, at macro scale, Christian men remove their sons from the government school system. That institution is a main locus for their reinforcements whereby “twice the sons of hell” is the reality.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gray

Good answer.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nathan

It might not succeed, BUT getting aforementioned Christian leaders (and many Christians) to run for office puts feet on the concept so that it’s not just theoretical , it’s a complicated situation, however, to run within a corrupted system…. Friends who have run for school committee and zoning committee in our wealthy woke community in Massachusetts have had some success, but also failure.

1 year ago
Reply to  Cynthia

And when the fight is fierce, the warfare long,
steals on the ear the distant triumph song,
and hearts are brave again and arms are strong.
Alleluia! Alleluia!

Jay Wise
Jay Wise
2 years ago

When we going to get a Theocratic Libertarianism book, I know there has to be one somewhere in a file on the computer or a file in the brain.

2 years ago

Another possibility would be a Constitutionalist along the lines of John Eidsmoe or Edwin Vierra. Of course those are older gentlemen who aren’t active on social media like those mentioned so you don’t hear as much from them. But both are scholars and a few current people/organizations have similar ideas. I’d certainly take them over David (not-to-be-confused-with-his-father-Greg) Bahnsen/Mattson who are too neocon for my tastes. And certainly over French or Piper…blech!

Last edited 2 years ago by C Herrera
2 years ago

Thank you so much, Pastor Wilson! I really loved this article. It precisely answered a lot of questions I have had recently.

Corey Reynolds
Corey Reynolds
2 years ago

I just wanted to question this particular phrase: “A case law system does not ignore precedent.” I do not think that following precedent is a very wise thing. Oh sure, a particular judge doesn’t have to act in a vacuum of experience, but neither should every child custody case try to recreate Solomon’s chop. In fact, it seems to me that building a library of precedent is really just creating a man-made crust on top of God’s law. Each judge should feel free to look at the unique circumstances of the case and attempt to make a full application of… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Corey Reynolds

The precedence in this case will be based on the moral and case law and the appeal is not to a man’s “we the people” Supreme Court but the Sovereign God of the Bible Supreme court. You might be confusing our
Humanistic tradition of precedent which is not based on Gods law.

1 year ago
Reply to  Andrew

The Supreme Court has hardly been “we the people” or anything like the founders intended for a long time.
Unlawful Obedience to the supreme Court has Destroyed America – Defy Tyrants

Justin Bryant
Justin Bryant
2 years ago

The fact that Douglas Wilson handles the issues we face with such vehemence and yet has statements such as this one which so well affirms a right order of values such that the first things are first is a commendable example. Christian unity is not achieved by jettisoning all non primary issues nor is it done by fighting as if every issues is a primary issues but rather unity is created when we as a family agree on fundamentals and disagree on secondaries, tertiaries, etc. without either undermining the real significance of secondaries, etc. or destroying the family over these… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Justin Bryant
2 years ago
Reply to  Justin Bryant


Hold tight to unity and essentials of the faith; be unyielding on these.
For the rest, be patient and generous and yet still passionate.

It’s all important. It’s not all worth division over.

2 years ago

Pastor Doug, if we propose that theonomy is not theocracy and that we desire theonomy and not theocracy. Should we be pursuing theonomic libertarianism rather than theocratic? And if I understood incorrectly regarding which is desired, please correct me.

Gregory Treat
Gregory Treat
1 year ago

What about Joe Boot!!!

No list like the one you gave at the beginning can be complete without Joe Boot and the Ezra institute.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gregory Treat
1 year ago
Reply to  Gregory Treat

Good point. Joe Boot over Justin Trudeau any day every day.

1 year ago

Douglas, you are a gift to the church. Thank you!

1 year ago

Thank you for the heartening word! Thinking historically and staying the course as God directs in our time is the mindset I need!

1 year ago

It’s excellent witty and enlightening, but frankly the reason you think it will take 3 centuries is because you left out one of the most important thesis, i.e., the doctrine of the lesser magistrates. Which if adopted by the American church we can accelerate the transformation by more than 2X.

1 year ago

I have passed this article along to family and friends. An excellent article, and encouraging. It highlight, however, the impact of postmillenial presuppositions, in mounting an effective response to the war in our cultural “moment.” I came to realize not that long ago, unfortunately, that any conservative proposal that depends on increasing the size of government to be effective will simply be used against “the other side” when the tables turn. It will be fundamentally ineffective. The administrative state will not simply give up its power. It must be starved. That is why tax cuts matter. Not because it gets… Read more »

Jacob Ticer
Jacob Ticer
1 year ago

Rigney and Cline are indistinguishable on this, so far as I can tell.
I wonder if theocratic libertarianism is an attempted out on the “theonomy” project

Last edited 1 year ago by Jacob Ticer